opinion | shooting on 4th of July

Flowers sit on a curb near Central Avenue and Green Bay Road in downtown Highland Park, Ill., Tuesday, July 5.


Ashley Resene / The Associated Press

The press is apparently focusing on the horrific shootings at the Highland Park, Ill., Fourth of July parade that killed seven and injured more than 30. Police arrested 21-year-old Robert E. Cremo III and the Deputy Chief of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office were arrested. Christopher Covelli said Tuesday that officials believed he planned the shooting for weeks. The alleged shooter fits the profiles of many such criminals: young, male bachelors who hinted at their future murders on social media.

As it happens, Illinois has some of the toughest gun restrictions in the United States, and a separate Highland Park ordinance also prohibits the AR-15, AK-47, and other semi-automatic weapons. Mr Kovelli said on Tuesday that officials believe Mr Cremo obtained his weapons legally within the state.

Meanwhile, eight people were killed over the Fourth of July weekend in nearby Chicago, and more than 60 sustained gunshot wounds. So far this year, more than 1,600 people have been shot in Chicago, but those murders receive far less attention than they deserve.

Violence also broke out this weekend in Pennsylvania, which is ranked 15th in the nation for the strength of its firearm restrictions by gun-control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. On Monday, two law-enforcement officers were shot outside the Philadelphia Art Museum in detail for a Fourth of July celebration.

Both were released from the hospital on Tuesday, but Philadelphia Police Union president John McNessby described how “we were inches away from planning the funeral” for a highway patrol that found “his hat” instead of his skull. Recorded in a bullet”.

The incident is under investigation, and Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw stated that “we do not know whether it was a ricochet from celebratory gunfire” or “if it was someone deliberately taking shots at these officers from a long distance.” ” Thirty-five others were shot in Philadelphia over the long weekend, and nine were killed.

This bloodbath comes days after the president

Joe Biden

Signed a bipartisan gun bill. Among other provisions, the law provides incentives for states to pass so-called red-flag laws, and it requires more extensive background checks for gun buyers under the age of 21, including the need for juvenile records. Possible investigations are also included. One hope is that this will save guns from falling into the hands of troubled youths intent on committing violence.

Yet the weekend shootings also come amid a new era of violent crime that began in 2020. Substance abuse increased and mental health deteriorated amid the pandemic and its lockdown. Progressive law-enforcement policies have contributed to an atmosphere of chaos and disorder.

Cities across America slashed police funding after the killing of George Floyd, and demoralized cops quit or retired without ready replacements. Progressive prosecutors such as Kim Foxx of Cook County and Larry Krasner of Philadelphia have been soft on the criminals. Law breakers now often operate with impunity – and more law-abiding citizens are seeking guns to defend themselves as they believe the state cannot or cannot.

The United States is dealing with a social disorder that cannot be cured with gun control. It may take years to undo the damage, but politicians can help by returning to the anti-crime policies that worked so well in the 1990s and 2000s.

Wonder Land: Joe Biden prefers to talk about racism and guns rather than face the real problem. Images: AFP / Getty Images / Reuters / Shutterstock Composite: Mark Kelly

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