opinion | Chick-fil-A Beats the Boycott


Brandon Bell / Getty Images

Even the Fourth of July was politically polarized this year, as various celebrities and


The grandees told the world how much they dislike America. But maybe there’s still hope for political adjustments if we can judge the latest from the American Customer Satisfaction Index.

The survey found that Chick-fil-A remains America’s favorite restaurant for the eighth year in a row. The fast-food chain specializing in chicken fare came in with a score of 83 on a scale of 100, well above other chains that scored 79 or less. More impressive is the popularity of Chick-fil-A, as Americans say they prefer full-service restaurants to fast-food joints.

Progressives made Chick-fil-A the target of a boycott over its support of the series for cultural causes. Its stores are closed on Sundays, and former company president Dan Cathy was outspoken in support groups opposing gay marriage. The company has silenced its involvement in cultural politics in recent years, focusing on well, chicken. At least the dinner was not ruined by politics.

Review and Outlook: What started as a row over parental rights legislation has resulted in The Walt Disney Company losing exclusive privileges in Florida — and serves as a wake-up call for other CEOs. Images: Reuters/AP/Miami Herald Overall: Mark Kelly

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Appeared in the print edition, July 6, 2022.