Woman narrowly survives carjacking and shooting attempt at Freret St.

NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) – A woman was sitting in her car and waiting to get dinner for her family in Freret and Jenna St., when two women pulled into an SUV and demanded her hand over the keys. He floored it, and shots were fired.

The incident happened around 8 pm on Thursday night. The woman, who didn’t want to speak, but whose husband had provided photos and surveillance video of what happened, agreed to wait for her dinner to be ready to be picked up at Anchora Pizzeria.

While she was in the car, a dark SUV came across on the other side of Jenna St. Two women got down from the passenger side of the car.

The surveillance video shows women approaching the victim’s 2018 Mercedes SUV from either side.

According to the New Orleans Police Department, one of the suspects told the woman to open the door.

He put it in the drive, and hit the gas. According to NOPD, he heard at least two gunshots.

Photos provided by her husband show the extent of the damage. At least three windows of his SUV were blown out, and a bullet had also gone through his driver’s seat.

Thankfully she was sinking as she continued on. This move might have saved his life.

People in the area who spoke to Fox 8 said it was unfortunate, but the crime didn’t come as a surprise to them.

“I’m praying for my city,” said local minister Reggie Cummings. “I think it’s terrible. I mean crime has gotten out of hand here. Something has to be done.”

The NOPD responded with a separate attempt at carjacking in Uptown about 30 minutes earlier. The suspects are described as two black women in a dark SUV, but NOPD has not confirmed whether the two incidents are related.

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