opinion | Will Abortion Save the Democrats?

President Joe Biden


Patrick Semansky / The Associated Press

Four months after November’s midterm election, President Biden is plunging into the depths of unpopularity. Only 39% or more of Americans approve of the work they are doing.

Some Democrats think abortion politics will save them, as suburban women rebel against Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade, They are renewing their campaign to pack the High Court with two or four more Sonia Sotomayors. Former Federal Judge Nancy Gertner, member of the Presidential Biden Commission on Court Reform

is saying She is “deeply disappointed” with Mr Biden for failing to complete the moment.

Not to tarnish progressive status, look at voting again, start with The latest Harvard/Harris survey, which was done after the court overturned Roe deer, 55 percent of voters, including 61% of women, say they oppose that reversal. Yet many people, as always, do not understand what exactly Roe deer implied, which was the unrestricted right to an abortion before about 23 or 24 weeks.

When, in particular, do respondents think abortion should be legal? Starting with the most restrictive, 37% say only after rape or incest. Another 12% say up to six weeks of pregnancy, and 23% say up to 15 weeks. Add those figures together and it’s almost three quarters of voters (including 75% women) who want a policy. Roe deer considered illegal.

For the furious reaction to the loss of Roe deer59% of voters, including 61% of independents, say it is “wrong” for Democrats to call the Supreme Court “illegal”. Also, 62% say that people should not be allowed to protest outside the private homes of justices, and 51% believe that such activists should be arrested. For the polls, 36% say Roe deerThey are more likely to vote for Democrats, 36% say the same for Republicans, and 29% say it won’t matter.

This is a survey, and the usual caveats apply, but the picture is remarkably consistent. (See our June 10 editorial, “The Contradictions of Abortion Voting.”) Democrats can’t have average outlook on abortion and respect their bill in Congress suggest they don’t, But many of them do not even understand it.

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Appeared in the print edition, July 8, 2022.