opinion | Trump voters need new direction

That’s what I tell Trump voters when they ask. This is my general outlook on the paths of the future.

I start with the obvious. I have never met Americans who love America more than Trump. They really like it – its history, what it means in the world, what it has done. It hasn’t always been love that is fully thought through, but it is usually fully felt, and at a time when not everyone bothers to feel that kind of loyalty and gratitude, it’s admirable. Is.

He had a piercing, bottom-line insight six or seven years ago that smart people told him he was crazy. The point was that what was happening along America’s southern border could not be resolved by either side. He had 20 years; they failed. Democrats thought that all illegal immigrants would prove themselves to be Democrats over time. Republicans were afraid to be called racists and thought they might not be seen as the enemy if they took half-measures that seemed moderate; Maybe they even get a piece of the Hispanic vote. Nothing bent. Only some kind of human bulldozer could break down, someone so obstinate and shameful in his language that he could not back down, could not turn in office. There were other issues—maybe businessmen could do something about globalism and China—but that was exactly what immigration was about.

In 2016 Trump supporters made an audible call, bowled the long ball, and stunned everyone.

The Trumpian brew had things beyond patriotism and insight—the joy of social resentment, some jacked-up nihilism, the joy of suddenly having comrades and belonging to something, suddenly gaining power and being able to rub its so-called superiors in it. has faces. But there was also strategy.

Republicans may argue about Donald Trump’s single term. He was not speaking strictly to a capable man, which astonished those who thought of the rich. It’s not that he couldn’t deal; It’s like he never knew where the deal was was, He didn’t know who to turn to because he didn’t understand Washington. The border is more overwhelmed than ever, the wall hasn’t been built, China continues. But there was no new war, and conservative judges joined the High Court.

Now we turn to the moment, the January 6 committee and the testimony of Mr. Trump loyalists under oath, who worked for him in the White House and led his 2020 re-election effort. What he said in a nutshell – and again, under oath – is that the election was stolen, all made up, pure fiction, a deliberate lie intended to reverse the election.

It was an action against the Constitution, against the formal and informal systems and traditions that the people had worked hard to uphold for more than two centuries.

The President’s people had told him that he had not won. On election night, according to a witness, everyone said so but a “drunk” Rudy Giuliani. But Drunk Rudy wasn’t enough, so Mr Trump looked for cooks, scoundrels, and freaks. He didn’t have to look far because America has plenty of them, and Trumpworld has the most.

His efforts were rejected in the courts by Trump-appointed judges and rebuked in the states by Republican officials. Mr Trump tried to get his vice president along, but he refused. So he threw his most ardent supporters to the ground in him, and asked them to march on the Capitol. “Stay there, it’ll be wild!”

Those poor idiots did. From the testimony of those arrested: “Trump told us to come,” said Robert Schornack. Eric Barber: “He personally told us to come to D.C. that day . . . if that’s the only thing he’ll ask of me for everything he’s done for us, I’ll do it. Daniel Herendin to Trump this Understood saying, “Come to DC, big things are about to happen.”

More than 800 people were arrested. Some have had painful times; There was at least one suicide.

There is no record of Mr Trump meeting him in prison. There is no record of paying their bills. There is no record of him taking responsibility for his actions and requesting mercy. No record was shown of Mr Trump’s small-donor fundraising campaign carried out after the election.

The 1/6 hearing has been a powerful indictment, well documented and undisputed. It is wishful thinking on the part of Trump supporters to dismiss the hearings on the grounds that the majority of Americans did not see them. Whatever is said will seep into the base of common sense, and will be understood as “what happened”. It would further damage Mr Trump’s position.

November’s election will be good for Republicans, we’ll see how well. After this the presidential cycle begins. The Biden administration has not been successful from Afghanistan through denial of inflation. The economy will not get better on time until 2024. My guess is that the willpower is low.

In this environment a typical liberal Republican or a moderately adept conservative will beat whatever the Democratic ticket is.

It is only Mr Trump who will surely lose.

He lost in 2020 by seven million votes to a growing economy and no inflation—and that was before the events of 1/6.

America will not elect him again. They will not let that man back into that house. Because everyone knows it: let Donald Trump back out there and he’ll do 1/6 again. Because while his followers love America, he doesn’t. He likes it as far as it goes, appreciating it as a stage of greatness, but beyond that. , ,

Trump Voters: An Audible Call Again. Look at the territory and the facts, be strategic. Donald Trump won the 2016 primaries with nearly a third of the vote. That was enough in the region of 17. It looks like the GOP field could be bigger than expected in 2024, and certainly Mr Trump could run again and win the nomination again. It will be easier for him if past Trump voters fail to think strategically, and if donors big and small don’t rush to conquer territory.

Here is the Republican tragedy of the last seven years: In 2016 only Donald Trump could beat Hillary Clinton. And of all the GOP primary candidates that year, only Mr. Trump could not rule, because he had no interest in governance and is self-governed by emotions and impulses contrary to the decision. She’s like a 1950s caricature of a woman. In fact I guess I mean he’s colorfully masculine, yet not masculine – a screaming meme instead of a stationary bomber pilot. I say this not for the sake of extravagance, but because his nature determined his actions at 1/6 and before, and will again.

Why doesn’t the party get someone who can govern now? Why not try to know the reputed power, what needs to be done right, put competent people in charge?

Serious people know how to make this cycle move faster than before.

So this is what I say to Trump voters: Be serious. Come fast. Drop the anvil you’ll imagine into the most hilarious waters that will sink you to the bottom of the ocean.

Potomac Watch (01/07/21): A politician has to work hard to destroy a legacy and a future in a single day. President Donald J. Trump managed it. Image: John Minchillo / The Associated Press

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