opinion | Jared Polis Bucks the Climate Lobby

Colorado Governor Jared Polis on May 9.


Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg News

Colorado is more progressive than its neighboring western states. But Democratic Gov. Jared Polis last week vetoed a bill asking California not to become one that would require parking new buildings for electric-vehicle chargers.

The bill would require developers of new apartment buildings to set aside 20% of parking space for EV charging stations. Ten percent of the parking space in commercial buildings will have to be doubled as charging stations.

As Mr. Polis noted in his veto message, the bill’s “inflexible mandate” has made new “housing development and commercial remodels more expensive.” They also may not be “saving money in the long run” because “new technology is brought in on a large scale that allows for less expensive installation” and “the technology of charging or vehicles changes over time.”

Building-code regulations are a big reason why housing is so expensive in California. Solar panels are required on new homes and apartment buildings. New commercial buildings must have “EV enabled” parking spaces. Starting next year, commercial buildings and high-rise apartments will also have to be equipped with solar panels and battery storage.

But as Mr. Polis said, EV chargers can improve and be cheaper in a few years. Those installed today may need to be replaced. It’s an especially salient point because last week the Biden administration released its proposed national EV charging plan to offset the $7.5 billion it spent on last year’s infrastructure bill. Government planning generally creates economic inefficiency. Credit to Mr. Polis for putting his constituents on the climate lobby.

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Appeared in the print edition, June 13, 2022.