opinion | January 6 Conspiracy of RINOs Against a Confederacy of Dunes

Conspiracy theories demanding a suspension of disbelief from their clients almost always collapse under the unbearable weight of their own simple insanity. If the Congress Committee hearings on the January 6 attacks achieve anything else, they are a reminder of that enduring truth.

Like many viewers, I suspect, I have found the Democrats’ actions in these proceedings controversial. Through his innate exaggeration, President

Nancy Pelosic

It has almost succeeded in turning a thorough investigation into the causes of that horrific incident into a show trial of its political enemies. Keeping critics away from the committee and allowing its proceedings to run without a word of dissent undermines its legitimacy and driving force. And if the past few years have taught us anything they certainly have taught us that any process that involves Adam Schiff prominently is Infamous Almost by definition.

Mrs Pelosi almost succeeded. But not at all. Because it is not Mr Schiff and his comrades who have made the most effective case against Donald Trump. It has been Mr. Trump’s own, elected people.

There are many expected conspiracies of all fabricated conspiracies in the theft-choice theory. But none is impossible as the premise that those who prevented Mr Trump from claiming his rightful re-election were all conspiring to hand the reins of power to illegitimate people.

Joe Biden,

Think about the list of conspirators you’d have to conclude who became a late-converted enemy of Mr. Trump (and American democracy) in order to believe the story of the former president.

mike penceImpeccable servants of the Republican Party, loyal (brutal observers might call slaves) supporters of the former president, who sometime between November 3 and January 6 became the infamous RINO and traitor.

William Barr, perhaps Trump’s most effective defender through much of the built-up controversies of his term, but somehow became a double agent for Biden after the election.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who stood down

Stacey Abrams accused herself of race-cheating for the stolen election and proved herself to be a strong conservative in office, but somehow managed to confirm a fraudulent victory for her political opponents with fellow Republicans in the state. conspired with

And let’s reserve a special word for Eric Hershman, who stole the show last week with a memorable recap of his conversation with Trump adviser John Eastman, who, unimaginably, tried one last time after the January 6 riots. . Election cancelled.

“Are you out of your sharp mind?” Mr. Hershman told him, “I want to hear only two words from your mouth from now on: ‘orderly transition’.”

The same Mr Hershman defended Mr Trump during his first impeachment hearing and left his law firm late in the Trump tenure to serve as an aide to the president. The new narrative tells us to believe that he fraudulently colluded to deny re-election to the president.

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The list goes on and on. The men and women who, over the years, had earned themselves the humiliation of the media, the Washington establishment, and even some in the Republican Party for their steadfast support of Mr. Trump, but who were all but the biggest election heists. became the architect of (on behalf of his political opponents) in American history.

Perhaps even more disbelief needs to be suspended to think that the defenders of the stolen-choice narrative are wise and virtuous in this narrative:

• Rudy Giuliani, who once served his city with great honor and courage, but since 9/11 his career has gone downhill faster than even a couple of whiskeys and soda before dinner.

• Mr. Eastman, a law professor who, as we have seen, was still trying to reverse the outcome after the Capitol riots, but it turned out that he was so courageous in his own beliefs that he immediately Asked Once they find out that the game is over, they will be put on the “sorry list”.

• Sidney Powell, the woman who could see Venezuela ghosts in machines and biden vote generator in germany But whose Kraken turned out to be as scary as a lame sheep.

• Mike Lindell, the famous constitutional law official, better known as My Pillow Man.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have aside some of the fanciest, most trusted people who have served in public office, maintained the standard for conservative causes through long careers, and are among the most insistent advocates of the Trump presidency.

On the other hand, you have a circle of volunteer lawyers of shredded prestige, a retired politician no longer fit for public consumption after a period of time, a pillow vendor and a horde of executioners—whom we’ve seen as the characters we walked past. Saw it in “Fly over a cuckoo’s nest.”

The credibility of witnesses from each side is always at the center of a case. Have you ever seen this kind of competition one sided?

Journal Editorial Report: Democrats are praising Mike Pence’s courage. It won’t work. Images: Getty Images Overall: Mark Kelly

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