opinion | EU gets real about energy security

European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 6 July.


Jean-François Badias/Associated Press

On 6 July, the European Parliament, one of the most liberal legislatures on the planet, voted to classify some nuclear and natural gas projects as environmentally sustainable. The move brings these projects into compliance with an earlier EU law that barred government support for indefinitely designated projects. That legislation contributed to a disproportionate amount of investment in unreliable renewable-energy infrastructure in the EU. When they failed, Russian natural gas supplied through the Russian infrastructure acted as a backup.

Although the European Parliament’s announcement paid lip service to the EU’s commitments to the Paris Agreement and its determination to achieve net-zero carbon emissions, it represented a seismic shift in Europe’s energy currency, which it now stands for. believes that progress towards a cleaner environment will be a Pyrrhic victory if it comes at the cost of the continent’s security and prosperity.


Vladimir Putin

The inadequacies of renewable energy will soon be on full display, set to exploit Europe’s reliance on its energy resources in an effort to reduce EU support for Ukraine. Russian gas has continued to flow into Europe since Mr Putin’s February invasion, even as Europe scrambles to find an alternative. But alternatives are hard to come by, especially as the world’s largest natural gas producer, with the US indicating it will continue to restrict leases for further development. Most of the natural gas originating from the Persian Gulf is already committed to customers in Asia.

It bets on the annual maintenance of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which begins on July 11. The work is going to take 10 days, after which more than 40% of Europe’s gas that still comes from Russia must flow again. But many fear that Mr Putin may not restart the pipeline, given his success in selling Russian oil and gas to India and China, as well as his established record of using energy as leverage. .

Mr Putin played with spigots last summer, causing European reserves of gas for the winter to fill up more slowly than usual, almost triggering a crisis in October as prices soared and countries like the UK had to restart coal-fired power plants. was forced to start over. decrease up. His clear target in 2021 was resistance to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which would have sent even more Russian gas to Europe, but was opposed by the Trump administration and the US Congress.

Mr Putin’s technology worked as Europeans, led by the Germans, pushed for Nord Stream 2. President Biden lobbied Senate Democrats to vote against punitive sanctions on the pipeline to keep Russian gas flowing into Europe. It was only after Mr. Putin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine that Europeans decisively rejected Nord Stream 2.

The EU crackdown on nuclear and natural gas is a recognition that Mr Putin may soon return to energy blackmail, as he seeks to end strong European support for Kyiv. If nothing else, Mr. Putin’s threat that Europe has forced Europe to bring its quixotic climate aspirations in line with the energy needs of its citizens is a welcome sign that logic and pragmatism rejoin the debate. how to promote the future.

The decision of the European Parliament could signal a wider phenomenon. Recent Fall of the British Prime Minister

boris johnson

Primarily the result of personal scandals, but dissatisfaction with his progressive energy and climate policies played a part amid rising energy prices. Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, farm workers are holding mass protests against new harsh climate rules that could put 30% of farms out of business – at a time when the world desperately needs their products.

US politicians planning to spend some $300 billion additional taxpayer dollars this month on extreme environmentalist policies that will further undermine America’s energy superpower status should heed and follow the EU’s lead .

Ms. Coates is the author of “David’s Sling: A History of Democracy in Ten Works of Art”. He served as the Deputy White House National Security Adviser, 2019-20.

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