Letter written by a World War II soldier arrives 76 years later in Woburn

Woburn (CBS) – For six years, Angelina Gonsalves of Woburn has been remembering her late husband Johnny.

“I loved him so much and he was quite a boy. I still feel his presence, I really do,” Gonsalves told WBZ-TV.

His soul mate of 61 years, he was the father of their five sons.

“It was just a funny feeling, he was around us at Christmas time. One of his favorite times of the year,” she said with a smile.

So, imagine the joy of the family, to open it – a hello from heaven, in the form of a long-lost letter.

“It was written on December 6, 1945 … it says ‘Dear Mom,'” Angelina reads.

Angelina Gonsalves reads her husband’s letter in 1945 (WBZ-TV)

Now Angelina was his bride, of course. But this message was written by her lifelong love – her Johnny.

“I love it. I love it. When I think it’s all her words, I can’t believe it. It’s amazing. And I feel like I have her with me, you know? Angelina smiles.” Hue says.

She had not met her husband when she wrote it. He was 22 years old, serving overseas in World War II, and by the time he came home, the days were counting down.

“Give the family my love for all. Take care, love and kiss your son Johnny. I’ll see you soon, I hope,” she reads.

The 76-year-old letter recently arrived at a post office in Pittsburgh. After doing some research by staff at that facility, he sent the city a letter saying it was due for three quarters of a century ago.

As sweet as this overdue delivery was, Angelina never needed to be reminded of how well she and her Johnny had it.

“We were good together,” she said. “I had a good life, I really did. It was wonderful.”
