Horoscope today, November 2, 2021: Taurus, Libra, Cancer and other zodiac signs – Check astrological prediction

You may soon come to the conclusion that some of your plans are unrealistic, but honestly, you should ask yourself if it matters. The answer is probably not. In fact, by striving for goals beyond your ability you will define your limits with excellent results for the future.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

The Taurean Bull seems to have now reached a point of no return at work and in activities involving public responsibilities and duties. May I give advice to all ambitious Taurus guys? Like a good general, you should only fight battles that you know you can win.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You have recently gone through some fascinating personal periods, yet somewhere along the way you will begin to appreciate that your real blessings in life are far more valuable and lasting than fame, fortune, and admiration. Your greatest treasure is your friends, the people who have stood by you all the time.

cancer (June 22 – July 23)

Passion is at its peak today. Many people will be directly involved in the confrontation, yet there is no reason why you should not turn difficult planetary energies to your advantage. You would do well to avoid financial speculation, and try to be clear about their intentions to other people.

Leo (July 24 – August 23)

Some peers and close associates still seem useless, however, if I may take an opinion, it seems that these people have failed to make the most of their potential. Instead of listening to their lamentation, why don’t you try to give them some practical encouragement?

Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

You are quite worried, but whenever your safety is at risk, try taking a deep breath and counting to ten. Your romantic stars can bring an element of intrigue, mystery and possibly confusion, as well as fond memories of the past.

Libra (September 24 – October 23)

You have some delicate choices to make. You are usually more aware of who you can trust and who should be put in their place. Don’t let people influence your decisions on public or business matters unless they are thoroughly familiar with all the circumstances, otherwise you may receive misleading advice.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

A shock or showdown is about to happen, mainly because Mars is setting up a lot of friction with Pluto. However, there is no doubt that this would be a good move to clear the air, to get everyone’s complaints off their chests, and perhaps to see that they were wrong.

sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)

Now clean the slate and set aside domestic disputes. You are entering a phase that may include some ups and downs, but is likely to be more pleasant than usual. You should try not to be so reserved, because if you don’t tell people what you’re feeling, how can they understand you?

Capricorn (December 23 – January 20)

If you can ever find a balance between your personal interests and those of your friends and colleagues, you will be a happier person. At least now you will be able to strike a better balance with lovers, wives, and anyone with whom you are closely associated.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

A celestial adventure is about to begin, though it may need some kick-start to push you into the action. Keep an eagle’s eye open for storm clouds at work. For some reason some people in power seem to be in a very bad mood.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Today’s planetary alignment brings out a side of your character that is deep, profound and contemplative. You can channelize your energy in a positive direction and become aware of the importance of your spiritual values. Give top priority to truth.
