DIY masks: Five ingredients you shouldn’t be applying to your face

While skincare trends keep changing, DIY face masks or masks made at home from scratch have long been a popular choice. Did you ever wonder about the efficacy?

Dermatologist Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta took to Instagram to shed some light on the usefulness of DIY masks (and their ingredients) and said, “Do you love DIY masks? Are you using ingredients from your kitchen? Stop now “. Take a look at the post here:

While DIY masks made from pantry essentials are easy to make and cost-effective, they provide no long term solution for skincare concerns. Topical application of masks which contain natural ingredients “can react with UVA rays, causing blisters, infections and sensitivities”, explained the doctor.

Take a look at a list of ingredients that are a strict no-no for your skin:


While rich in vitamin C, lemons shouldn’t be used in DIY masks. They contain citric acid which, when applied topically, may cause irritation among people who have sensitive skin. According to Healthline, applying lemon juice on the face can also lead to phytophotodermatitis, a type of skin reaction to citrus fruits. When applied topically, lemon juice may also increase your chances of getting sunburnt.


A spice rich in antioxidants, cinnamon is especially popular in the holiday season for it’s warm and comforting flavour. But, it is not good for DIY face masks. According to Healthline, applying cinnamon to the skin may also cause “redness and irritation”. Sensitive-skinned people should steer clear of it.

Apple cider vinegar

Lately, apple cider vinegar has turned out to be a popular remedy for skin conditions. The fermented concoction, however, is highly acidic and can disrupt the skin’s natural barrier. According to Medical News Todayapple cider vinegar, when overused in some cases, can harm the body by causing chemical burns.

Vegetable oil

Use of vegetable oils in skincare has been popular from time immemorial, but caution must be taken to prevent any untoward incidents. Everyone’s skin type is different and hence, what may have worked for someone, may not for someone else. In a 2017 study titled ‘Use of vegetable oils in dermatology: an overview‘ published in the International Journal of Dermatology, it said that while there were few reported adverse effects of vegetable oils, cases of contact dermatitis, pityriasis rosea-like eruption, lichenoid dermatitis etc. were noted.

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