Treat heartburn this monsoon with these home remedies – Bharat Times Hindi News

Monsoon brings a lot of relief from the scorching heat of summer. It is common for everyone to enjoy a rainy day with fried snacks like pakodas and tea. However, eating more fried snacks can lead to acidity and heartburn due to change in weather.

The humid weather usually slows down the digestion process, which can result in problems like gas, acidity and indigestion. Heartburn is a painful condition in which stomach acid leaks into the esophagus. Also known as acid reflux, it causes chest pain. It is believed to be the result of indigestion.

Heartburn can be triggered by fried and spicy foods, sour foods, heavy meals and alcoholic drinks. In this condition, after eating food, there is a burning sensation in the chest just behind the chest. Sometimes this can happen even a few hours after eating a meal.

However, heartburn can be easily treated at home. Here are some home remedies for heartburn:

1. Older studies have shown that chewing gum can help with heartburn. When you chew gum, the production of saliva increases, which clears the esophagus of acid.

2. Quit smoking as it reduces the production of saliva.

3. Keeping the head elevated while sleeping can help people who experience acid reflux at night.

4. Ripe bananas rich in potassium can help fight acid and reduce discomfort.

5. Eating frequent meals at short intervals can help to avoid heartburn. Food eaten in small portions gets digested quickly.

6. Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol increases the severity of acid reflux and heartburn because it induces acid in the stomach.

7. Reduce your intake of high-fat foods. Such foods slow down the digestion process and can result in heartburn.

8. Take dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime so that your body gets enough time to digest the food

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