South St. Louis County family tickles strange bones with skeleton display

Skeletons were out through the Olympics and are visible for holidays such as Easter, Memorial Day and the 4th of July.

scheduled tribe. Lewis County, Mo. – Drive through South County around the holidays and you might come to a home with some good bones. We are not talking about its structure, but about the inhabitants of the front lawn.

Hannah and her husband Tim began exhibiting skeletons just before October of 2020. Hannah said she saw something similar on Facebook or Pinterest.

“I’ve always loved Halloween,” Hannah said. “And like the location where we live, we’re right by a stop sign. I mean, it’s a busy street. So I thought, you know, this is Covid. We’re working from home, more people. are out, you know, going around and doing it would be some fun.”

The Pauks moved the skeletons every day during the month of October last year, placing them in different positions for different things. Then they come back for other holidays, and this time to celebrate the Olympics. Sometimes it can be hard to think of a new idea, and they tend to go with what they have at home.

“For the pole vault we literally go, ‘God, we have to get something out of there,'” Tim said. “And so I took a tree trimmer tool… pushed it into the ground, zip tied that little guy up eight feet in the air, then there you go, he’s today.”

His neighborhood noticed the movements of his skeleton. Pox said people slow down to see the skeletons and take pictures. It also happens in the morning when they set.

“While we’re putting everything out there and it could be seven in the morning or eight in the morning or whatever,” Hannah said. “And people are either taking their kids to school or they’re driving to work and they’ll stop their car, roll down the window and thank us for what we’re doing. They say that They go out of their way to drive and see what the skeletons are doing. It makes people happy. It makes them smile.”

Hannah said, “Most of the people that follow, you know, and live in the small area behind us, are all retired and they send mail more often.” “So we’d get a lot of actual mail, which was really, really exciting. You really don’t get anything but bills.”

The family made a quick post after this story was published, showing the skeletons reacting to their latest internet fame.

Sklinton was so excited to learn about the news article!! I

Posted by Skeleton on Kerth Road Feather Saturday, August 14, 2021

So when is the next time you can see the skeletons being activated again? The Pauks say you’ll see them for Labor Day and they’re already working in October, when they’ll run every day of the month again.

The display is located at 5024 Kerth Road in South County. here is a link If you want to keep following on Facebook page.

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