Socialists to Ursula von der Leyen’s conservatives: Don’t work with far right

But he signaled he was open to compromise with the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, whose members include the right-wing Brothers of Italy and Poland’s nationalist Law and Justice party, which opposes Brussels on the rule of law. Is entangled together.

Both groups are expected to increase their presence in the next European Parliament, according to a Politico poll of polls.

In 2019, von der Leyen was appointed with the support of the EPP, the Socialists, the Greens and the liberal Renew Europe group. These parties have historically pledged to avoid working with what they describe as anti-European forces.

The manifesto, which was also signed by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and former climate commissioner Frans Timmermans, called on “all democratic European parties” to follow the example of the socialists and “refrain from any normalization, cooperation or alliance with the far-right”. Called for “strongly rejecting”.

“We expect them to formally and explicitly include this in their election manifesto and party manifesto,” it added.

European Parliament election survey

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