Have the great British public forgotten how to queue in pubs? | Ryan Coogan

TeaHere is the rot at the core of our culture. Our social fabric is falling apart Crowds of people abandon social norms Embracing chaos. a member of British The public has chosen to trample decades – nay, centuries – legacy,

That’s right – people have started queuing up Pub,

To be clear, I’m talking about lining up a single file vertically bar Instead of standing along its length, creating a wall of guardians Which is prevalent as a semi-permanent hindrance in the establishment. This incident is perhaps best documented by the Twitter account @QueuesPubwho is campaigning for people to return common sense approach Crowding around the bar and trying to get the servers’ attention.

I don’t know when it started, but I saw it for the first time in 2015 Most students drink in bars, so I assumed it was a case of young people not really understanding pub etiquette. However, as time went on, I started to see this happening in more traditional pubs, where queues tended to be made up of older people, until eventually it started to seem the norm. The situation has become so bad that pubs have started to signal People are being asked to return to the old system.

I know this the country loves queues – It’s one of those quirky British stereotypes that dates back to the days when we could still delude ourselves into thinking we were a semi-respectable nation – but there’s a time and a place. in bank? Great time to queue. Taking the family to Alton Towers? Brother, he is going to be in line 90 percent of the time. Is the queen dead? You can bet we’re going to create the biggest queue you’ve ever seen in your life.

But queuing at the pub? it just makes no sense, I mean it’s basic math: the bar exists on the It’s one of those things that starts out as an attempt to be polite and ends up being a massive inconvenience to everyone, like refusing to choose a place to eat, or deciding what to watch on Netflix. . Barring those instances, you’re generally not planning dinner or a movie with dozens of belligerent, unpredictable drunks.

Correct procedure for receiving drinks Like this: Get as close to the bar as you can without pushing anyone in front of you. You wait for the opening, and then walk in with cards or cash in hand. Then you stare at the bartender, eyes as wide as possible, mentally coaxing him towards you with every aspect of your being until he knows you’re ready to order. And if they serve someone else instead of you? Baby, that’s how things work sometimes in this crazy world. better luck next time. Are you sure you can’t open your eyes even wider?

Its currently summer, That’s prime drinking season. I hope to spend more time in the pub with my family over the next few weeks. While I’m there, I don’t want to spend half my time standing in line like I’m waiting for the new iPhone. Pubs are already charging me £8.75 for a pint of Carlsberg – the least you can do is not make this experience more difficult than it already is. Please, if not for me, then for my poor, neglected family.

If you are reading this, you have the power to restore social order. next time you are in the pub And there is a queue, confidently walk across it and comfortably go to the bar like a normal person. You might get a few looks, but the bartender will thank you for it, and you might even start a trend.

this is up to you. This madness cannot go on any longer. Say no to chaos – say no to queues at the pub.