opinion | Will California law allow UCLA to play in the Big Ten?

Are there any progressive leftists who can live by the rules imposed on others? Recently this column noted a report Suggesting that the Beltway Walksters can’t stand to work alongside each other. then came cool travel Gavin Newsom (D., Calif.) for a state he is officially denounced for. Turns out there’s an interesting new piece of information about the expenses of that trip. And now it appears a growing list of denunciations issued by Mr Newsom and his fellow California poll could thwart the ambitions of one of the Golden State’s leading public universities.

Last month the University of California, Los Angeles shared exciting news about an ocean of football money that will soon be flowing its way. a UCLA press release Having said,

UCLA Chancellor Jean Block and Martin Germond, UCLA’s Alice and Nahum Lanner family director of athletics, sent the following message to campus on June 30.

For the past century, decisions about UCLA athletics have always been the best for our student-athletes, first and foremost, and our fans. Based in one of the largest media markets in the country, our age-old athletics program always presents unique opportunities and unique challenges. In recent years, however, seismic changes in collegiate athletics have prompted us to evaluate how to best support our student-athletes as we move forward. After careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation, UCLA has decided to leave the Pac-12 Conference and join the Big Ten Conference at the start of the 2024-25 season…

As the oldest NCAA Division I athletic conference in the United States and with a footprint that will now extend from the Pacific to the Atlantic, Big Ten membership gives the Bruins exciting new competitive opportunities and a broader opportunity for our student-athletes to compete. National media platform. Showcase your talent. In particular, the move will increase name, image and likeness opportunities for our student-athletes through greater exposure and offer new partnerships with institutions across the country… Increases the distance, resources offered by Big Ten membership to more efficient transportation options.

Speaking of travel resources, many of the away games in the Midwest heartland of the Big Ten will take place in states that California has officially condemned for not having suitably left-wing social policies. As of the day after that joyous UCLA press release, the 20 states currently on the sanctions list have now gone up to 22, under a 2016 state law known as AB 1887. A reasonable person can understand that Americans in other states should generally be free to make up their own mind about local policies. A reasonable person might also consider the possibility that if 22 other states—and counting—do not choose to copy California law on topics like transgender policy, perhaps it is California law that should be reformed.

In any case, California’s condemnation has consequences. UCLA website states,

01 July 2022

The California Attorney General’s Office has updated the list of states where state funds cannot be used for travel. Indiana and Utah are the latest states to be added.

As of July 1, 2022, there are now 20 states where AB 1887 prohibits the use of state funds to pay for travel to a state on the Attorney General’s List, except where a statutory exception applies. It does not affect travel for which payment is made or reimbursed using non-state funds.

The following two states, Louisiana and Arizona, will be added to California’s travel ban list as listed below.











North Carolina

North Dakota



South Carolina

South Dakota




West Virginia

Louisiana (to be added on August 1, 2022)

Arizona (to be added on September 28, 2022)

Included in an attached page of FAQs on the UCLA website following route,

What If an Athletic Team Commits to Participating in a Bowl Game or Other Competition in an Affected State?

If the contract to participate in an event was made before January 1, 2017, state funds will be allowed to travel to participate in a bowl game or other type of sporting event. If the contract was made on or after January 1, 2017, state funds should not be used for travel.

It seems that UCLA will have to figure out how to avoid using state funds on multiple convention road trips, and perhaps even more so if California adds more states to its banned offending list or if, for example, The Independent University of Notre Dame, also decided to join the Big Ten.

According to UCLA’s frequently asked questions list, perhaps UCLA could find a way to fund a private entity for some of its travel to the Midwest, but another prohibition also poses an obstacle:

Can an employee be required to travel to one of the prohibited states in the AG list?

No, California Government Code Section 11139.8(b)(1) prohibits UC from requiring any employee to travel to one of the states on the AG’s list (in the statutory exceptions listed in Government Code Section 11139.8(c) In the absence of one of the…

Exceptions listed in 2016 law Not to apply to sporting events but to law does expressly applies to a “state agency, department, board, authority, or commission, which includes an agency, department, board, authority, or commission of the University of California, the Board of Regents of the University of California, or the State University of California.” …”

Will the coaching staff, athletic trainer, and other UCLA staff stay at home when the kids go out to play? It’s possible that UCLA may have found a way to classify all of them as private employees, but this will be news to many Californians. Sacramento Bee Reported in April On compensation of state employees:

Bee obtains salary figures from the Office of Comptroller for the University of California and California State University System employees as well as civil service employees…

The highest-paid California public employees are athletic coaches at UCLA and UC Berkeley, as well as many doctors at University of California hospitals…

For example, UCLA football coach Chip Kelly earned $4.3 million in 2020, and UCLA basketball coach Mike Cronin earned $3.3 million.

Perhaps UCLA will be aggressive in claiming the exemption. This brings us to the governor of California’s visit to Montana, a state he officially despises. His office at Cal Matters told Emily Hoven that Taxpayers did not give money for his travel and then refused to answer, he reported on twitterWhen he inquired about the security cost.

Now it seems that taxpayers actually incur some travel costs. a

new York Times

The Story of Blake Honschel and Michael Shearer reports,

… While California did not pay for Newsom’s trip to Montana, the state did pay for his security details.

Newsom spokesman Anthony York said the visit was very personal, not political, a…

York denied that Newsom’s office was hesitant about his whereabouts, and said the office was trying to balance transparency with security. “On the security side, the law clearly says that there is an exemption for public safety, and the governor has to travel with safety,” he said.

Need a trip to Montana for public safety? Will O’Nillo Tweets,

So… Govt. Is Newsom “public” in person?

It’s hard to imagine anyone claiming that California’s public safety requires lucrative sporting events in the Midwest.

It is possible that UCLA could build most of its activities around the other states’ official condemnation of California for legally operating as private entities.

But won’t this only serve as additional proof that California’s cultural cancellations are impractical, unfair, intolerable, and overdue for repeal?


James Freeman is co-authored “The Cost: Trump, China and the American Revival.”


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