opinion | Supreme Court mail-ballot mulligan in Pennsylvania

Another year, another Pennsylvania election that could come down to the judges solving the mail-vote snafu. This time it’s a race for the Republican Senate between Mehmet Oz and David McCormick. The expected news is a stay on Tuesday by Justice Samuel Alito, which suggests the Supreme Court may eventually ask the judiciary to stop rewriting election rules in the middle of the game.

official tally Says Mr. Oz is ahead of 955 ballots. Yet Mr McCormick is winning about seven mail votes for every five for Mr Oz. As always, many postal ballots have been rejected for one reason or another. There are more than 1,500 in the GOP and Democratic primaries in Allegheny County. Legal battles involve ballots on which the voter forgets to hand-write the date. Team McCormick thinks it includes about 900 Republicans across the state.