opinion | Dr. Oz denies Trump’s election fraud prescription

Mehmet Australia, 9 June.


Hannah Beer/Bloomberg News

With a tough Senate primary behind them, Pennsylvania Republicans are headed to November, but let’s pause to salute the gentlemanly demeanor of both sides. David McCormick acknowledged, “It is clear to me now, as the details are largely complete, that we have a nominee.”

Mr McCormick lost by about 950 votes. “I called Mehmet Oz to congratulate him on his victory,” he said. “And I told him what I always told you: that I would do my part to try to unite Republicans and Pennsylvania behind my candidacy.” Who says political honor is dead?

Mr. Oz is famous as a TV doctor, but he introduced himself as a US senator. The day after the election, with thousands of votes not being counted, President Trump urged his supported candidate start shouting fraud charges, “Dr. Oz should declare victory,” Mr. Trump said. “It makes it very difficult for them to cheat with the ballots they’ve just found.” A day later Mr Trump said: “Stop finding votes in Pennsylvania! Rigged?”

Mr. Oz didn’t take the bait. Besides being honest, his sobriety has put him in a better position to win in November. If he had accepted Mr Trump’s impulsive advice, the scene would have turned ugly, making it harder for Mr McCormick to get voters to his side. The litigation to patiently wait for recounts and proceed has now allowed Republicans to come together in an attempt to defeat the Democratic nominee, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, in what would be a credible vote for the Bernie Sanders agenda.

Don’t expect Mr. Trump to learn anything from the good example set by Messrs Oz and McCormick, but other GOPs may be hopeful. November is a long way off, and it would be nice to get there without the fraud allegations that pit Republicans against Republicans.

Wonder Land: The city’s voters want to get out of the suicide pact which is the tenet of progressiveism. Images: AP/AFP/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly

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Printed June 11, 2022, print edition ‘Dr. Oz turned down Trump’s prescription.