opinion | Cassidy Hutchinson Witness the Courage of January 6

What Cassidy Hutchinson did would only have been done by a woman because only a woman, in a place of such power and prestige, would have registered everything and taken such close notes instead of spending that time around what was important.

Here she was 26 years old alone, in front of the whole country.

I found his testimony for the January 6 committee to be completely credible. If he lied, I see no motive. Anyone who knows otherwise, who can refute what he has said, must come forward and testify under oath like him.

he was constantly promoted

Donald TrumpWhite House, from intern to primary assistant to chief of staff Mark Meadows. She was a Trumpian committed to a conservative, highly political mission, professional and intelligent by all accounts. The powerful men around her seem insecure in her presence and speak frankly—she’s only a baby girl, a girl, what can she do? She helps the steward clear the ketchup off the wall after the president throws tantrums and throws away his plates and silverware. He is no one in the scheme of things.

And yet such people can raise empires.

By staying there this week, he showed more courage than the men in that White House. Mr. Meadows, attorney Pat Cipollone and others—his testimony made him sound like a throng of tremendous hysteria. You tell the President not to do this! No, you tell him! They were concerned about the legal risk. Ms Hutchinson explained to Mr Cipollone: ​​”We are going to be indicted for every crime imaginable!”

You get the impression that, on the other hand, she was worrying about what was right.

Now alone, when the administration was over but her men were still in hiding, she came forward, and what she said changed everything. His testimony raised the possibility of criminal charges against the former president. In National Review, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy

wrote That his testimony was disastrous in the sense that it portrayed Donald Trump as “the only one to blame” for 1/6 of the incidents. About the disputed limousine battle between the president and his Secret Service agents, Mr. McCarthy says, sensibly: Let him speak under oath. Ms Hutchinson did not say that the clash took place, but she was told it was carried out by an agent, minutes after it reportedly took place. There is nothing wrong with a rumor in this venue. “The object of an investigation is to search for credible, admissible evidence,” Mr. McCarthy writing, “For him, rumors are not only allowed but encouraged.”

David French also saw Ms Hutchinson’s testimony in Dispatch strengthen the case for prosecution. Mr Trump Approves Riot Intended To Go To Capitol With Crowds, Vice President Thinks

mike pence

deserving of damage. In Mr. French’s view, the most serious is that Ms. Hutchinson testified that she heard Mr. Trump say to the crowd: “You know, I don’t care that they have weapons. They tell me Are not there to hurt. Take away the impressive mags. Let my people in. They can march from here to the Capitol.

Magnetometer-mag- is used to locate weapons. Some members of the crowd took them away.

Ms Hutchinson’s testimony must be confirmed by others who may have heard Mr Trump say it. But if it stands, an indictment “would be a relatively simple story,” writes Mr. French.

“First, Trump called the crowd to Washington.” Second, he “knew that the mob was armed and dangerous.” Third, he encouraged them to “fight like hell” and march on the Capitol. Ms Hutchinson said she tried to lead it herself. Fourth, he infuriated the crowd after the attack began by tweeting: “Mike Pence didn’t have the guts to do what was needed.”

His earlier admonition to proceed “peacefully and patriotically”, with this fact pattern, “looks more like a pro forma s-covering than a genuine plea, in Mr. French’s eyes.” There was a drop of pacifism in the ocean.”

The purpose of gathering all possible information about this ugly historical event is to see that those who did it are exposed and punished so that it never happens again. If Mr. Trump were successful, he would have created a new era in which democracy and its processes no longer work in America, in which the outcome of every national election would be a question of one. We cannot allow it because we cannot survive that way, we will be exhausted.

Now the important thing is that more and more people are testifying publicly under oath. More people want to talk. The committee should be given resources to increase its momentum and lengthen its program.

After Ms. Hutchinson, the testimony of Meadows and Cipollone is more important than ever. Mr. Meadows was in the thick of everything on 1/6 and before, as the plot unfolded. Ms Hutchinson said she has apologized to the president. is he? Why? (Mr. Meadows denies this.)

Mr Cipollone is also an interesting case at the center of events. Almost every book and article about the end of the Trump administration portrays him as a hero, so it is generally believed that he was more than a source. Why so shy now?

He knows if Ms. Hutchinson told the truth. He knows more than that.

Mr Cipollone is said to have concerns about questions of executive privilege. Representative Liz Cheney implied at the hearing that it was easier said than done: “Our committee is certain that Donald Trump does not want Mr. Cipollone to testify here.”

It is possible that he is keen to maintain his business and political ties with Trumpworld and has concluded that he can never publicly say what a person can say in private, on background. Let the girl be brave; He will be careful.

But he is indebted to the public that paid his salary faithfully, and will last as long as he does not live up to his Washington nickname, “Patsy Baloney.”

I end with Ms. Cheney. When the boys led by the GOP Congress stripped him of his position and shunned him, he was as always at fault. She was far less dangerous to bring him to justice outside the tent than fighting Mr Trump inside the tent. It would have been easier for them to have Republicans on the committee, but when

Nancy Pelosic

His first two options were rejected, he withdrew, counting the Republican absence would hurt the committee. This created Committee – less objections, less sowing of anarchy.

On Wednesday night at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, Cheney gave a lengthy scheduled speech in the Time for Choices series. (I am part of it and a member of the board.) The series asks speakers to present a vision for the future of the party. The library plays it straight, with no party faction or point of view, giving everyone equal hearing.

Ms Cheney’s speech had sold out just days earlier, but it was an open question as to how she would be received. Being Liz Cheney, she quickly addressed the elephant in the room. “It’s painful for Republicans to accept this,” she said, but “we have to choose. Because Republicans can’t be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution.”

the audience . , , Echoed with applause. He got a standing ovation.

Sometimes girls are not misunderstood.

Happy 246th July to the great and imaginative nation which is still the hope of the world.

Review and Outlook: While Democrats want to use the January 6 investigation to paint the opposition as a gang of rebellious lunatics, Republicans can’t ignore the accumulated evidence about Donald Trump’s conduct. Images: PRESS POOL / Reuters / Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly

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