opinion | Capital ‘reconnaissance’ smear

Georgia Representative Barry Loudermilk


Ron Harris / The Associated Press

If the January 6th select committee wants more bipartisan credibility, what about apologizing to Georgia Representative Barry Loudermilk? The Republican was upheld this week after false allegations that he provided “reconnaissance” tours for Capitol rioters.

On January 12, 2021, Democratic Rep. Mickey Sherrill (NJ) accused


that he “saw members of Congress whose groups were coming through the Capitol, which I saw for reconnaissance the next day on January 5th.” The press piled up.

When asked about the GOP’s report on MSNBC about a “rebels visit”, New York Representative Sean Maloney replied: “I can confirm that. I don’t know directly, but I spoke to a member.” who saw it in person and described it with some alarm. Mr. Maloney said that “the enemy is within.”

Ms Sherrill and 33 other House Democrats sent a letter to Capitol police and House and Senate sergeants on January 5 demanding an “immediate investigation” into “suspicious behavior and access granted to visitors”. He added that some attackers “seemed to have unusually detailed knowledge of the layout,” and this became a central feature of Democratic and media narratives.

Yet no one had named a specific Tour giver – until a 6 January committee breathed fresh life into the allegation by touching Mr Loudermilk. Chair Benny Thompson and Vice Chairman Liz Cheney wrote to Mr. Loudermilk on May 19 asking him to testify “information about your visit to parts of the Capitol Complex on January 5, 2021”. The letter and its allegations were leaked to the press.

Republicans on the House Administration Committee this year said they reviewed 48 hours of security footage of the Capitol entrance and tunnels, and they told The Hill that there were “no tours, no large groups,” and “remotely fitting in Nothing” alleges Ms Sherrill. But the committee’s letter dated 6 January to Loudermilk claimed it had “evidence” that “directly refutes that denial.” The media cheered, and Ms Sherrill made a fist-pumping appearance on MSNBC, praising the committee for holding “accountable” the “chilling” offender of the tour.

On Monday Mr. Loudermilk was cleared by Capitol Police in a letter to House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis. Chief Thomas Manger said Capitol Police had reviewed the footage and “there is no evidence that Representative Loudermilk entered the US Capitol on January 5 with a group”.

The Georgia representative escorted the constituents, but cameras show they visited the House Office buildings—which are separate from the Capitol. Mr Manger confirmed that “the group did not appear at any time in any of the tunnels that lead them to the US Capitol,” adding that “we are asking our officers to be on alert for people doing surveillance or reconnaissance.” train, and we do not consider any activities we considered suspicious.”

The press is underestimating this humiliation. The January 6 committee letter also referred to tours of the “House and Senate office buildings”, which form part of the Capitol “complex”. Come on. Sherrill’s allegation was that the Republicans had given tours of the “Capital” to give rioters advance information on the layout.

The January 6 committee could have fact-checked with Capitol police before smearing Mr. Loudermilk. The least it can do now is to admit it was wrong and apologise. For Ms. Sherrill, the lesson is not to believe everything she says.

Potomac Watch: Americans need to keep a serious account of what happened on January 6, 2021. Democrats assured they would not get one. Image: Jabin Botsford/Bloomberg News

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