opinion | Breaking the taboo of the Biden era

One pastime around our office in early 2021 was anticipating when Democrats would start reporting that President Biden was too old for the job and that he should pack it. The consensus was after a defeat in the midterm election, but congratulations to the ally (he knows who he is) that took some time earlier this year. He wins the office pool because the campaign to get the president out the door has begun.

new York Times

Quoting various progressive sages, he began kicking off with a story that is suddenly known to all: Mr. Biden is the oldest US president at age 79, and when he completes his term, he will be 82. Will be He looks and feels like every age. This announcement of the obvious has now gone across the Atlantic with the Progressive Media Chorus line, with a piece that claims “Let me put it plainly:

Joe Biden

Should not run for re-election in 2024. he is very old. ,

These stories treat it as a revelation, as if Mr Biden suddenly showed some dramatic fall. The truth is, the president demonstrated that he has lost a verbal, and perhaps mental, step in the Democratic nominee’s first debate in 2019. He hasn’t improved. The Democrats acknowledged it privately at the time, but they reached out to him during the South Carolina primary when it seemed he was the only Democrat who could block and lose Bernie Sanders’ nomination.

Donald Trump,

The rest of the campaign was a lengthy apology for Biden’s strategy of limiting his public exposure by campaigning in a Delaware basement. COVID-19 was the perfect excuse, and damn it any journalist who dared to ask if Mr Biden was not the same person we knew as Vice President. The subject was taboo.

It was one of the great free campaign passes in history. Ronald Reagan’s age of 69 was the subject of media concern when he ran for president in 1980. He was roasted in 1984 after stumbling into the first debate against Walter Mondale, and had to allay the skepticism of the media and the public with a quip. About Mondale’s “youth and inexperience” in the next debate.

The Gipper was three weeks shy of 78 when he left office, who was younger than Biden when he entered the Oval. If the president runs and serves for a second term, he will be 86 years old on his last day in the job. But Mr. Biden was needed to defeat Mr. Trump, and so all business of this age had to be ignored in 2020.

Why now the turn of the Democrats? One obvious answer is that the president is down in the polls, and his low approval rating could affect Democrats’ control of Congress in November. The problem may not be the party’s views, or the adoption of Sanders’ agenda after Biden campaigned as a moderate. The problem has to be Mr. Biden. He’s not suddenly over the burden of the Oval Office, which has aged even younger men. He cannot make a case for his views. He is surrounded by troubles.

You almost have to feel sorry for Mr. Biden, who saved his party from Mr. Trump, but it’s expendable now that he’s a political liability. You can almost hear Mr Biden yelling at his staff: Where’s the gratitude? Where do you think Bernie or Mayor Pete would have defeated Trump? I am the man who saved democracy.

Mr. Biden can be stubborn, and as anyone with older parents knows, taking out his car keys can be a difficult conversation. The president might not want to leave town as easily as some Democrats would.

Given the lack of clear democratic options for Mr Biden in 2024. vice president

Kamala Harris

will run in a millisecond, but since her emergence on the national scene she hasn’t done or said anything that she’s running for president.

Democrats know this, which you can tell from all the stories about their political struggles from earlier this year. It’s a Beltway Insider way to prepare the ground for other candidates to consider running. Not that Pete Buttigieg would need any sort of comfort.

Such is the price of nominating Mr Biden with so little scrutiny about his potential for the presidency. Perhaps the Democrats will avoid defeat in the midterm, or he will rally after the election using a GOP Congress as a foil. But Democrats may start looking for candidates away from Washington if they want to retain the White House in 2024.

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