Opinion: Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron are locked in a post-Brexit duel

International Organization for Migration said tragedy marked single greatest known loss of life on the busy waterway since it began collecting data in 2014. and an Editorial cartoon in The Times of London The shape of a coffin depicts migrants packed in a boat, clearly outlining the risks people take in their quest for a better life.
The tragedy sparked another dispute between Britain and France, two countries whose relations have deteriorated rapidly after Brexit. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday published a letter French President Emmanuel Macron proposed a deal to, among other things, “allow all illegal migrants crossing the Channel to return” – a suggestion the French had previously rejected.
a French government spokesman where was the letter “Both poor in content and completely unsuitable in its form,” while France’s interior minister announced that Britain’s home secretary was invited to a meeting in Calais on Sunday to discuss how to stop the crossing and smuggling syndicate had not been.
In response to increasing pressure to intervene more powerfully, France said it would Improving surveillance of its northern shores, However, Sky News aired a video on Thursday which clearly shows French police watching As a group of people prepare to enter the dangerous waters of the channel.

playing politics

Sadly, the political situation on both sides of the channel can make front page headlines but leaves little room for effective problem-solving.

For Johnson, a former journalist with a master at political spin, the optics of standing up for France and backing down against asylum seekers could be beneficial to a government that campaigned to take back control and sovereignty from the European Union. Was. But it can be difficult to be sure that Brexit has improved matters of sovereignty and border controls when there have been more channel crossings So far in 2021 compared to the same period in the last two years.
Meanwhile, the anti-immigration rhetoric of Brexit campaigners like Nigel Farage ignores data indicating a dire need for increased migration to the UK, Labor shortage in many sectors And More than one lakh job vacancies between July and September — the Highest level since 2001.
And for Macron, who faces re-election next year, backtracking against an ally who voluntarily left the European Union and helped maintain France’s submarine deal with Australia, for political gain. Makes useful fodder – especially during an ongoing dispute french fishing License he may not be seen as the weak underdog here right-wing presidential candidate Eric Zemor is already confiscating for using it against Macron on the issue.
French fishermen threaten to close Channel Tunnel, ports to protest against fishing license

“The bilateral tensions you see are more or less post-Brexit,” French political commentator Philippe Morrow-Chevrolet told me. “And refugees are the main victims.”

Before Brexit, the UK could send migrants to other countries Dublin Regulation In which claims that a person’s asylum claim will be transferred to the first EU member state to which he has entered.

Now that the UK has left the European Union, however, the regulation no longer applies. Both Johnson and Macron now want to see they come out on top after Brexit, all while avoiding being brought down by the third rail issue of immigration at home.

crush smugglers

Even in the best of times, the French and British response appears to be little more than an amateur cat and mouse game with human traffickers.

Canadian investigative journalist Victor Malarek. There is a need to adopt more creative strategies, which are getting more sophisticated.

Malarek said more resources should be allocated to fight smuggling. “And when you catch smugglers you have to bring down the hammer on them,” he told me, adding that the smugglers involved in the crossing on Wednesday should be held accountable for the 27 migrants who died.

On the positive side, the crisis has generated new discussion on how to address the so-called push factors that drive people to flee desperate situations. More frequent and intense climate events and conflicts will only put more people into dangerous networks of traffickers.

“The reality is that desperate people will do desperate things,” Malarek said.

France and the UK are allies and must resolve this complex crisis in a way that is mutually acceptable and respects international humanitarian law and refugee agreements. “The main problem is that neither the British nor the French are ready to accept anything,” Moro-Chevrolet told me. A major risk to Johnson would be if the French release thousands of refugees into UK waters, as Cubans did in the 1980s and as Belarus is doing now, said Moro-Chevrolet.
France already taking in more migrants a year than Britain, should offer Johnson more resources and more money $72 million it’s currently shipping Helping the police on the French coast if they want to stop the flow of migration. Either way, the best option for both Johnson and Macron would be to work together, and not trade in a stretch of water that is becoming a graveyard for the world’s most vulnerable.
Failing to do so could put Macron and Johnson in an unreliable position that is no different from Playing between Poland and Belarus, where the leaders of both the countries are blaming and trying To Making original On a situation that appears to be for their own political advantage, whatever the consequences.
