New South Wales to scrap mandatory QR code check-in by end of January

New South Wales to scrap mandatory QR code check-in by end of January

new South Wales Is preparing to eliminate mandatory QR code check-in by the end of January.

Deputy Premier Paul Tolle told Sunrise the government was preparing to ‘phase out’ mandatory sign ins at events, hospitality and retail locations as it moves into the ‘next phase’ of the pandemic.

QR code check-ins set to reopen in New South Wales

He said NSW will ‘move away’ from mandatory QR code check-in from 27 January, when mask rules are also expected to be relaxed.

Mr Tole said, ‘QR codes have played an important role in this COVID pandemic, but I think we are moving to the next stage.

‘What we have seen is that the people of NSW have come forward, they have doubled, and this was the best way to protect themselves and their community.’
