Most voters want Dominic Raab to step down after living abroad as Afghanistan collapses, new poll shows

Voters want Dominic Raab to ride out holiday storm: Two-thirds of adults want foreign secretary out after living abroad as Afghanistan collapses, new poll shows

  • Poll shows lack of public support for Mr Raab after being on holiday in Crete
  • A majority of 51% believe the foreign secretary should resign – only 24% who disagree
  • He insisted he would not step down and the prime minister refused to sack him.

Most voters want Dominic Rabo to resign after being on leave Afghanistan Fell, it was revealed yesterday.

In a fresh blow to the foreign secretary, a poll found adults think they should go two to one.

The Mail revealed last week that while on a luxury break at a five-star resort in Crete, Mr Raab was asked by senior officials to call on Afghan Foreign Minister Hanif Atmar to seek help evacuating translators working for Britain’s troops. advice was given.

A new poll shows a majority of voters believe Dominic Raab (pictured) should resign as foreign secretary after he was on holiday in Crete after Afghanistan fell

But he failed to do so and the task was handed over to Lord Goldsmith, the minister on-duty – but the call never actually ended.

Mr Raab insisted he would not step down and the prime minister has refused to sack him. However, he is expected to be dropped in the next cabinet reshuffle.

A poll conducted over the weekend by Savanta Comeres on behalf of Left Foot Forward found that 51 per cent believe Mr Raab should resign, with only 24 per cent disagreeing.

Of the 2,083 adults surveyed, one in four said they did not know.

Worrying for the foreign secretary is that 41 percent of conservative voters think he should step down, while only 38 percent did not.

Savanta Comres interviewed 2,083 adults in Great Britain from Friday to Sunday.

Mr Raab was accused of staying at the Amirandes Hotel, a boutique resort in Crete (pictured), and failing to call translators working for Britain's troops to help them flee Afghanistan.

Mr Raab was accused of staying at the Amirandes Hotel, a boutique resort in Crete (pictured), and failing to call translators working for Britain’s troops to help them flee Afghanistan.


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