Malala urges world leaders to take immediate action on Afghanistan

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai said she is deeply concerned about the situation in Afghanistan, especially the safety of women and girls, and called on world leaders on Monday to take immediate action.

Yousafzai said US President Joe Biden had “a lot to do” and that he should take “a bold step” to protect the Afghan people, adding that she was trying to reach out to a number of global leaders.

“This is really an urgent humanitarian crisis that we need to provide our help and support,” Yousafzai said. BBC newsnight.

Yousafzai, 23, survived being shot in the head by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan terrorists in 2012 when she was targeted for her campaign against attempts to deny women education.

She became famous as an 11-year-old girl who was writing a blog under a pen name BBC About living under the rule of extremists.

“I am very concerned about the situation in Afghanistan right now, especially the safety of women and girls there,” Yousafzai said. newsnight.

“I had the opportunity to speak to some activists in Afghanistan, including women’s rights activists, and they are sharing their concerns that they are not sure what their lives will be like.”

Yousafzai said he had sent a letter to Prime Minister Imran Khan asking him to accept Afghan refugees and ensure that all refugee children “have access to education, access to safety and security, so that their future is not lost.” “.

A day earlier, Yousafzai and Information and Broadcasting Minister Fawad Chaudhry had said talked on the phone During this, the minister said that Pakistan will continue to support the efforts of women’s education in Afghanistan.

According to radio pakistanThe minister said that Pakistan is providing educational facilities to the children of Afghan refugees. He said that at present there are 6,000 Afghan children studying in the country.

During the call, Yousafzai briefed the minister about global concerns about women’s rights in Afghanistan. “Pakistan should play an active role in promoting women’s education in Afghanistan,” she said.


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