Kirkwood neighbors say professional football league is too loud at Pratt-Pullman

Atlanta, Ga. (CBS46) — Those living in Atlanta’s Kirkwood neighborhood want some peace and quiet. They say their nights are filled with loud music and DJs coming from a professional football league in the Pratt-Pullman district. Now they are pleading with the city for help.

Neighbors say they welcome the growth they’ve seen in their neighborhoods over the years, but—on some nights—events in the Pratt-Pullman district are so loud that their homes shake.

“You’ll be in your house and you can hear Base in your house. I was sitting at my computer and all of a sudden, I could hear this boom, boom, boom. And I was like, ‘What’s that?'” Kirkwood K Oshin Nazreen said. “You know, and I thought maybe it’s a car going. It’s not a car going. And you know, we’re not even the closest house to it.”

The Pratt-Pullman District, also known as Pullman Yards, sits along Rogers Street and sits against two residential neighborhoods; Edgewood and Kirkwood. It is a sprawling multi-acre property with several entertainment-type businesses, including an area. Arena tent is used for fan controlled football games.

Neighbors say that on game nights, the announcer’s PA system can run with loud music, sometimes even after 11 p.m.

The Kirkwood Neighborhood Organization wants the city to take steps to silence the noise. They also question why the city is allowing an event like fan-controlled football to be played so close to the neighborhood. KNO collected over 150 signatures from troubled neighbours. He sent that informal petition to the city.

“It’s not just 20 people. It’s not just people from Warren Street. It’s people from all over the neighborhood,” Nazarian said.

CBS46 emailed Atomic Entertainment, which gave permission to build the tent stadium, but they have yet to respond. The mayor’s office has yet to respond, but neighbors say their noise complaints are on the city’s radar.