‘I am the heaviest I have ever been’: Mandira Bedi opens up about new weight loss plan

Fitness is an essential part of many people’s lives who like to constantly challenge themselves with newer workout goals. Actor and host Mandira Bedi is no different. Despite often setting massive workout goals, she only aims to get fitter. “Time to #beginagain and make myself accountable to get to where I want. I have never shared my weight with anyone or believed too much in the weighing scale…and so it’s taken me a while to get here mentally and emotionally,” she wrote in an Instagram post.

“And have given myself a new set of (inspiring) rules! I want to get to 51kgs… I don’t know whether that will happen. But let’s give it a go! I will share my workouts/my weight and my daily #fooddiary .. So #letsdothis,” she wrote in a post on Instagram, adding that she currently weighs 55.2 kgs.

In the video post, she said, “It has been a very trying year and a half and I have (to) loosen the grip that I had on my health. I am the heaviest I have ever been. Couple of days ago, my weight was showing as 56.5 kgs which was quite alarming. Today, we are at 55.2 kgs which is a good enough starting point. Tune in to this space for those of you who are also on a journey towards fitness.”

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The post drew instant reactions from friends and fans. Former VJ Maria Goretti wrote, “My dear Mandy, you are super fit and look very lovely. All the best for your journey. I would be blessed if I were the weight you are now”, while actor Ronit Bose Roy wrote, “I think you’re fantastic wherever you are, but if you absolutely must do a 51, all the best”.

What to keep in mind when starting your fitness journey

According to nutritionist Aanchal Sogani, these tips can help

Start with workouts you love: It can be dancing, jogging, skipping or just walking. You will enjoy these rather than feeling like a punishment. Once you become regular, introduce other workouts one by one depending on your goals.

Don’t measure your progress just by the weighing scale: Notice the changes that are happening in your body…that’s a sign of progress.

Be consistent: This is the most important thing. Even when you think you are not making any progress, continue working out. Eat healthy, this will give results, she said. “Instead of deciding a bigger goal, say 20kgs, think of a smaller one — losing 5 kg and then 5 again,” she advised. This, according to Sogani, helps keep the momentum going.

You don’t have to give up eating your favourite foods: Just eat them in moderation; reduce the portion size. “When I crave something, say pizza, I will first have a big bowl of salad and then the pizza…this way, I will not eat the whole pizza and will be satisfied after eating one or two slices,” she wrote.

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