His drama about 2 dead UK politicians stuns him

Those expecting Mrs. Thatcher’s character assassination are shocked; This work differs more from the suggestion of the playwright’s politics. Although she is an unattainable relic, it is the Euroskeptic Mrs. Thatcher who emerges not only as the leading man, but surprisingly perhaps as the good man.

Mr McManus said he wanted to end some of the polarization provoked by Brexit. But perhaps he is generous by nature – he has good things to say about the current prime minister, albeit in a backhand manner. Mr Johnson has “a remarkable skill set,” he said, “you have to admire his techniques; I work in theater now so keep an eye on the technique and win over the audience.”

As for Mr. Heath, Mr. McManus puts an equally positive shine on things, talking openly about his affection for his former boss until he is reminded of his own words in the play’s program notes. Go.

The playwright wrote that Mr. Heath was “sweet and unfettered, reclusive and displeased”, a man who nurtured rancor and passive thoughts, not the one he once loved so much.

“Umm, yeah, a little wasp by my normal standards,” laughed Mr McManus as he sipped his beer, “it’s a little hard to come back from that.”

Although Mr. Heath was a man of attractive personality, he attracted Mr. McManus to the job of political secretary, which he accepted immediately. In 2000, when Mr McManus announced that he would run for parliament in the following year’s general election, he immediately and permanently lost his job with Mr Heath. “He decided he was going to get rid of me while I was on vacation,” he said.

Mr McManus fell behind in that election and never managed to be elected as a candidate again, the first step in running for office under the British system. But many career paths emerged; He later worked as a consultant, a journalist and the director of a media watchdog. He also wrote several books, including One About Mr Heath. Another, “Tory Pride and Prejudice”, described a change in the Conservative Party’s attitude towards gay rights.

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