CIAC to drop mask policy for student-athletes

CONNECTICUT (WFSB) – The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) announced that in just a few days masks will no longer be required for players.

Anthony Deciantis is a South Windsor High School basketball player.

He said, “I am pretty excited about it you know. It’s been about two years since we have had them on, I’m pretty sure. So, it will be nice to not have them anymore.”

The CIAC has announced, starting February 28thstudent athletes and officials will no longer have to wear face masks during games or practice.

In the organizations updated guidance it states that: “student-athletes, coaches, officials, game workers, and spectators will follow mask permissions and restrictions issued by the facilities in which events occur.”

Plainville Director of Athletics Chris Farrell said, “I think everyone think that everyone thinks it’s a longtime coming, ideally here in Plainville our student athletes have been phenomenal we have had the rule in place for almost two years and they just want to be able to participate and play sports.”

According to the new guidance, student athletes will still have to wear masks while traveling to sports related events due to the federal TSA masks mandate for all transportation. Which has been extended through March 18th.

The guidance says for districts that have determined that continuing with mask requirements is in the school community’s best interest the CIAC is requesting that consideration be given for allowing athletes to compete indoors without masks but wear them during all non-competitive activities such as on the bench and in the locker room.
