Bats found inside Willis-Knight Medical Center

Bats found inside Willis-Knight Medical Center

SHREVEPORT, La. – There’s an obvious bat problem at Willis-Knight Medical Center on Greenwood Road. Feathered mammals have affected many areas of the hospital.

Bats found inside Willis-Knight Medical Center

Bats found inside Willis-Knight Medical Center

KTBS 3 found pictures of bats and a video of staff trying to capture one.

Willis-Knighton CEO Jaffe Fielder issued the following statement: “Over the past few days, we have received isolated reports of bats inside Willis-Knighton Medical Center. Pest control professionals were immediately contacted to handle the situation They were located where the bats were gaining access. In the building and the openings sealed. All affected areas of the hospital have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. No patients or staff members were harmed Gone. “