At least 8 dead and 40 missing in Tennessee floods, officials say

At least eight people died and about 40 others went missing as a result of devastating flooding in Central Tennessee on Saturday, officials said.

Humphries County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Rob Edwards confirmed the number of missing and dead and said officers were conducting a door-to-door investigation into the hardest-hit areas of about 18,500 in rural Humphreys County, 72 miles. West of Nashville.

“There was a power outage across the area,” Deputy Edwards said in an email, adding that “complicating the issues is the loss of all cellphone coverage from the major carriers.”

He said portable communication units were being brought in to help restore service.

“We have lost a lot of roads, both in rural and on major highways,” he said. “In my 28 years, it’s the worst I’ve ever had.”

The National Weather Service said Saturday morning that the devastation came after an estimated eight to 10 inches of rain in Dixon, Hickman, Houston and Humphries counties.

The service said some areas received more than 11 inches of rain, with some areas “very likely.”

Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Said that the State Emergency Operation Center has been activated In Nashville to support water rescue and other urgent requests for help from local officials.

“Our first priority is to help responders reach the area and conduct rescue operations,” said Major General Jeff Holmes, adjutant general for the Tennessee National Guard. wrote on twitter. “We will continue to increase the number of forces as per the situation and we will deploy additional special units to respond as needed.”

At least 4,200 people had lost power across the state, according to the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. It said flooding in the affected counties was “dangerous and developed”, and urged residents to stay off roads, charge electronic devices and monitor news.

“Do not attempt to cross flooded roads or walkways,” the agency said. “Turn over, don’t drown.”

Waverly Elementary School, Waverly, Tenn., Humphries County Seat, reported on facebook That it was “completely filled” with water “the whole school 4 feet deep”.

The two women were trapped in the school’s gymnasium with some members of their family, before the school reported that they were “no longer at school and on dry land.”

“Please continue to pray for our community!” the school said.

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