Cindy Williams Shares Her Faith in God: ‘The Power That Was Unconditionally Good’

best known for his role in popular tv sitcom “Lavern & Shirley,” Cindy Williams was also known for a few other things.

For one thing, the longtime actress expressed his strong faith in god In some interviews during her career as well as in her book “Shirley, I Jest: A Storyd Life” (Taylor, 2015).

The iconic actress passed away, her family said on Monday in Los Angeles The Associated Press reported that Wednesday at the age of 75 after a brief illness.

Cindy Williams, ‘Lavern & Shirley’ actress, dies at 75

His children, Zak and Emily Hudson, released a statement through family spokeswoman Lisa Kranis.

Williams spoke about his belief in God in 2015 in interviews related to his book. Book Released.

Cindy Williams starred in several films including “American Graffiti,” playing Ron Howard’s high-school sweetheart before being cast as the fun-loving Shirley Feeney in “Laverne & Shirley” alongside Penny Marshall’s Laverne on the popular sitcom Played.

“Well, I was just born with it,” she said in an interview with Psychology Today when her book came out.

“He was always present. So if it was imbued in my soul, I mean, it gets really intoxicating,” she said.

“God was absorbed in me and I in him from the time of my birth.”

She continued, “I don’t know how I can talk about this, but God was in me and in me from the time I was born. And I just always had a feeling of being okay, even when the situation was dire.” could.”

She also said, “Where that came from, I don’t know, but it enhanced my knowledge of a force that was unconditionally good, and was there for me. And so it was in that spirit that I grew up.” “

She said that even “when terrible things befell me … I still felt that presence, that sense of unconditional love. I would always think of him as a person, my father in heaven or my I like to think of myself as God, but he doesn’t meditate.”

Actress Cindy Williams (right) has died at the age of 75.

Actress Cindy Williams (right) has died at the age of 75.
(AP Images)

He said, “That power, that soul doesn’t care because it is unconditional. So whatever name you want to give it.”

In her book “Shirley, I Jest” she wrote about her childhood that “if it was a Sunday, I was in church.”

“It’s very mysterious to us, but I’m sure if you talk to God, he’ll say, ‘Yeah, I did that.'”

She added that she “even won a Bible for full attendance at the tent revival.”

Sunday school, she said, was also a bit of an escape for her – especially from her father’s alcoholism.

Still, he made sure he went to Sunday school.

“I learned all my Bible stories. I loved all the powerful images and ran into them. Jesus and Moses and great people of the bible … For that hour in Sunday school, I was safe,” she wrote in her book.

She also said in the interview with Psychology Today, “I believe in the theory of evolution as well. I believe in that too – that’s a big part of God.”

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He continued, “It’s very mysterious to us, but I’m sure if you talk to God, he’ll say, ‘Yeah, I did that.’ Of course, evolution, you can’t deny that evolution was there, any more than I can deny that God exists for me.

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She also said, “God is for me. And you can mix it up in one. Maybe he meant something.”