Two CSP jawans injured during arrest

NORWICH, CT (WFSB) – Two state jawans suffered minor injuries after a man walking on Route 15 was arrested.

The police responded to Bogdan-Daniel Popa while walking down the street.

When they arrived, they saw Popa leaning behind a solid barrier on the right shoulder.

The officers tried to talk to Popa.

He jumped from behind the barrier and ran into the lanes leading north.

The police were ready to stop Popa, but a physical altercation ensued.

The police teased Popa.

With the help of the driver, the soldiers were finally able to regain control and take the man into custody.

Both the jawans present on the spot suffered minor injuries on their hands and face.

Popa was charged with illegal use of the highway by a pedestrian, interfering with an officer, and assault on a public safety official.
