Trump shares QAnon imagery, amid fears he may be hoarding more stolen papers – live

Liz Cheney says new revelations reveal true ‘danger’ of Trump

The chair of the powerful House Oversight Committee wants the National Archives and Records Administration (Nara) to determine whether any more records that should have been given to the archives at the end of former president Donald Trump’s term remain missing.

In a letter to Acting Archivist of the United States Debra Wall, Representative Carolyn Maloney raised the possibility that Mr Trump is continuing to harbour stolen government records at properties other than the Florida beach club where he maintains his private residence.

Meanwhile, the Department of Justice has subpoenaed dozens of current and former Trump aides as part of its investigation into the storming of the Capitol, with some even having their phones seized.

The department has also said it is willing to accept one of the Trump team’s candidates to serve as a “special master” who will review the records seized by the FBI at Mar-a-Lago.

Federal prosecutors submitted a legal filing on Monday evening signing off on the suggestion of Raymond Dearie, a 78-year-old former US District Court judge appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1986.


Lindsey Graham gifts Democrats an anti-abortion bogeyman as midterms loom

If Democrats hold on to the Senate this year, they will have an unlikely ally to thank: Lindsey Graham.

A South Carolina Republican and Donald Trump loyalist who has continued to remain friendly with the former president even as he faces a bevy of criminal investigations, Mr Graham is hardly the person one would expect to hand Senate Democrats a gift roughly a month and a half before control of the Senate is decided for the next two years.

But that’s exactly what happened on Tuesday as Mr Graham, flanked by anti-abortion activists from the Susan B Anthony Pro-Life America group and other opponents of the practice, celebrated the end of Roe vs Wade and vowed to ban abortion after 15 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy should his party retake the Senate.


In wild Truth Social spree Trump embraces QAnon’s ‘Storm is coming’ meme

Donald Trump embraced QAnon’s “The storm is coming” meme as he went on a “retruthing” spree on his social media website Truth Social.

The one-term president re-posted an image of himself wearing a Q pin on his suit jacket above the “storm” caption and “WWG1WGA.”

Mr Trump has in the past promoted QAnon accounts, though the recent flurry of posts was Mr Trump’s strongest embrace of the right-wing conspiracy theory movement yet.


McConnell shoots down Lindsey Graham’s proposed abortion ban

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell shot down Republican Senator Lindsey Graham’s bill that would ban abortion at 15 weeks, saying that he would prefer the issue be left to the states.

The Senate minority leader was asked about the ban that Mr Graham proposed on Tuesday during Senate Republicans’ weekly press conference after their policy luncheon.

Eric Garcia reports from Capitol Hill.


Despite sobering monthly figures released this morning, Biden touts inflation reduction law

President Joe Biden gathered a crowd of thousands at the White House Tuesday to celebrate last month’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, even as a new government report showed how hard it could be to bring surging prices down near pre-pandemic levels.

Despite its name, the law’s impact on inflation is expected to be modest at best.


Compilation of Rush Limbaugh commentary set to be published

A compilation of radio commentary by the late Rush Limbaugh, from his early years on the air to his decades as a bombastic and influential voice in conservative politics, is set to be published.


Pelosi rebukes ‘extreme MAGA Republicans’ for proposed nationwide abortion ban

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has condemned Senator Lindsey Graham’s proposed anti-abortion legislation as the “clearest signal” yet of “extreme Maga Republicans’ intent to criminalise” healthcare for millions of Americans after the US Supreme Court revoked a constitutional right to abortion care.

Legislation proposed by the South Carolina Republican on 13 September would outlaw abortions nationwide at 15 weeks of pregnancy, with exceptions only for pregnancies from rape or incest or to protect the life of the patient.


Braddock, the town that made John Fetterman, speaks on his run for Senate

John Fetterman, who grew up in a reasonably wealthy family in York, Pennsylvania, moved to Braddock in 2001 to start a GED programme. He fell in love with the town’s “malignant beauty,” as he called it. Four years later, he ran for mayor and won. It was the work he did here in Braddock during his tenure as mayor that propelled him to the national spotlight. A tattooed, 6ft8 Harvard graduate trying to resurrect a town through innovation, art, blood, sweat and tears, drew journalists by the dozen. For many, he embodied hope in a place that was in short supply.

That national spotlight provided Fetterman a platform that led to a run for the United States Senate, and there is every chance he could win. But how does Braddock, the town that made John Fetterman, feel about his national ambitions? And as he sets his sights on Washington, what legacy will he leave behind?


Twitter whistleblower tells Congress by testifying he is ‘risking career and my reputation’

A Twitter whistleblower testified before Congress on Tuesday, saying he did so at great personal risk to his own career and reputation because he feared Twitter lacked the proper security measures.

Peiter Zatko, who often goes by the nickname Mudge, spoke before the Senate Judiciary Committee and said that the social networking company was more than a decade behind industry security standards.

Eric Garcia reports from Washington, DC.


Trump posts QAnon imagery on Truth Social


White House slams Lindsey Graham’s ‘wildly out of step’ anti-abortion bill

The White House has condemned a proposal from South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham to outlaw abortions nationwide at 15 weeks of pregnancy, the first such bill proposed by a US senator in the wake of the US Supreme Court’s decision to revoke a constitutional right to abortion care.

Senator Graham’s bill marks the sixth time that the Republican senator has introduced a national ban on abortion, with previous drafts proposing that abortion be outlawed at 20 weeks.

“This bill is wildly out of step with what Americans believe,” according to a statement from White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.