‘The city let the tremors win.’ Why Davenport Closes Historic Lookout Park to Vehicles

Although closed to vehicles, the 3-acre site remains open to the public, Maginis stressed, and is in place as a temporary measure until city workers can decide how to address and discourage crime. Go.

She noted that there is on-street parking “a few steps away from the park” along Clay Street to the west of Washington Street.

“We’re monitoring how much activity, how much parking, and if there is enough parking every day if people want to park and walk,” Maginis said.

Still, the decision to temporarily block vehicle access to the park has angered a Davenport alderman.

Maginis’ mention of temporary driveway closures during Wednesday’s city council meeting sparked frustration from Davenport alderman Ray Ambrose, Ward 4.

“When I walk up to it, it’s up and it looks like a crime scene,” Ambrose said. “Riverview Park is the fountainhead of the historic Washington Street neighborhood. To replace this beautiful park, I think, is unacceptable. Tread lightly.”

The city purchased the property, then known as Lookout Park, in 1894, and changed the name to Riverview Terrace in the late 20th century. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Ezra Sidran lives throughout the park across Clay Street. Every morning he goes to the park to pick up empty wine bottles, beer cans, cigarette packs, “crack bags” and dirty diapers.


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