Germany ready to let Poland send Leopard tanks to Ukraine: foreign minister

PARIS – Germany “will not stand in the way” if Poland or other allies seek permission…

Where are the safest places to travel in 2023? It depends on how you define ‘safe’

Since getting hit by Covid-19 getting caught in a blizzard, Traveling can be a risky business…

Poland can send Leopard tanks to Ukraine, German vice chancellor says

BERLIN — Germany should not stand in the way if Poland decides to send Leopard 2…

France and Poland push Germany to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine

Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. BERLIN/PARIS – Less than a…

The Kraken COVID variant is coming — but not yet

Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. The European Union’s disease control…

Action Director of the Week: Nicolas Winding Refn

Few jobs require as much work, foresight, and creativity as directing films. The amount of talent…

Furious EU countries rage over gas price cap proposal

Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. A European Commission proposal to…

Ukraine’s military recruits need training. Only one of Europe’s giants is pulling its weight

Press play to listen to this article LONDON — They come to the U.K. in their…

Ukraine’s wins turn focus back on Europe’s waning military aid

Press play to listen to this article Ukraine’s swift battlefield advances are forcing European governments to…

‘Make Sweden great again.’ Far-right on the cusp of power

HELSINGBORG, Sweden — Cheers and applause greeted far-right Sweden Democrats (SD) leader Jimmie Åkesson as he…