Report says homicides will increase in 22 US cities in 2021, but at a slow pace

A study of homicides in 22 cities during the first nine months of this year showed that the number of homicides was 4% higher in 2020 compared to the same period, with 126 more murders between January and September, the report said. Happened. According to the report, in the first three quarters of 2020, the same 22 cities saw a 36% increase in the number of murders over the same time frame in 2019.

according to a CCJ report released in JulyThe number of murders during the first half of 2021 increased by 16% compared to the same period last year. According to a preliminary FBI report, the number of homicides increased by 25% in 2020 compared to 2019, the biggest jump since the FBI released annual homicide figures in the 1960s.
Spike in Violent Crime Came as covid-19 pandemic Millions across the country protested racial injustice and police brutality after Floyd’s death last year, and the economy collapsed Under the burden of the pandemic.

The report said the murder rate peaked in the summer, before decreasing in the fall and winter and then rising again in the spring and summer this year. But even with the 2021 increase, the murder rate for the 22 cities studied was more than half what it was in the early 1990s, according to the report.

The increased attacks – attacks made with a deadly weapon or threats of serious injury – “exceeded levels of previous peaks” during the summer of 2020 in 17 cities with available data that would decrease for the rest of the year and then was at its peak before rising. In the first half of 2021, the report says. The number of aggravated attacks in the first three quarters of 2021 was 3% higher than the same period last year, with 1,515 more severe attacks, the report said.

In 13 cities with available data, guns peaked during the summer of 2020 and peaked again in the spring and summer of this year. The report said there were 109 more gun attacks in the first three quarters of 2021 compared to the same period last year.

“Even at a slow rate of increase, increased rates of homicide and serious attacks require an immediate response from government and community leaders,” the report concluded. “Evidence-based strategies are available to address growth in the short- and medium-term. As the pandemic subsides, cities should redouble efforts to deploy hot-spot strategies that focus on those areas.” where violence is concentrated.”

The 22 cities studied in the report are St. Petersburg, Florida; Austin, Texas; Norfolk, Virginia; Louisville, Kentucky; Pittsburgh; Los Angeles; Raleigh, North Carolina; Nashville; Buffalo, New York; Atlanta; Washington DC; Philadelphia; Detroit; Chicago; Denver; Baltimore; Memphis, Tennessee; Milwaukee; Phoenix; Seattle; Omaha, Nebraska; and Chandler, Arizona.

Anti-crime efforts, including those involving street outreach activists and other non-police actors, must work together long term improvement To increase accountability for police misconduct and redirect some police roles to other agencies, the report said.

“Abandoning long-needed police reform is not a viable policy option,” the report said. “Rather, change is necessary to improve relations between police and communities and to bring about a lasting reduction in urban violence.”
