Quaker ‘not looking good’ as whistleblower claims barrack conditions ‘horrific’- live

Bloodied horses running through London after being freed by the Household Cavalry

One of the five horses that were running fast The situation in central London has been described as “not looking good”.

A military source told The Sun there were concerns There is still excitement for dark horse Quaker as Vida returned to his stable overnight after an operation.

One has since been transferred to an equine hospital While others are under strict surveillance.

It came after an alleged whistleblower at Hyde Park Barracks reported he saw rats roaming where horses were kept and that they were often given “dirty water”.

The former volunteer, giving her name as Kate, told LBC that the horses sometimes had “exercise for only an hour a day, and very little sunlight, often being stuck inside.”

An army spokesperson said Independent: “We take the health and well-being of our service horses very seriously. “They are well cared for, given daily exercise and have direct access to world-class veterinary care around the clock.”


Where did London’s five loose horses go during the race in the capital?

alexander butler27 April 2024 08:31


What is the Household Cavalry?

alexander butler27 April 2024 07:53


The horse will return to duty at the appropriate time

The Army has said that Household Cavalry horses that did not suffer serious injuries after marching through London will return to duty “in due course”.

Of the five military horses, two are undergoing surgery and are being closely monitored. Four people were taken to hospital in Belgravia when the animals became frightened and threw themselves off their riders.

One of the horses that was operated on is in the equine hospital. The other is being cared for at the cavalry barracks in Knightsbridge.

alexander butler27 April 2024 07:15


ICYMI: Horses may never return to service

Veterinarians can’t be sure whether two horses abandoned in London will ever return to service.

An Army spokesman said on Thursday, ‘We are hopeful that both these horses will be fine. It is too early to know for sure whether he will recover enough to return to official duties.

“But they have been given the best possible veterinary treatment and are under close observation.

“Vida looked most injured and the images of the horse running through London covered in blood were horrific. Vida underwent surgery overnight and is currently under observation in the stables at Hyde Park Barracks.

Quaker also operated overnight but the decision was taken to take the horse to an equine hospital in the early hours of the morning for more specialist treatment.

“The extent of the injuries is not entirely clear but we do not believe at this stage that any bones are broken,” the spokesman said.

“The blood seen on Vida (the gray horse) was consistent with wounds.”

athena stavrou27 April 2024 at 07:00


‘Whistleblower’ criticizes conditions at Hyde Park Barracks

An alleged whistleblower at Hyde Park Barracks reported seeing rats roaming around where horses were kept and that they were often given “dirty water”.

The former volunteer, giving her name as Kate, told LBC that the horses sometimes had “exercise for only an hour a day, and very little sunlight, often being stuck inside.”

An army spokesperson said Independent: “We take the health and well-being of our service horses very seriously. “They are well cared for, given daily exercise and have direct access to world-class veterinary care around the clock.”

athena stavrou27th April 2024 05:00 PM


Expert says horses were in flight-or-fight mode

Redwings Horse Sanctuary explained why the condition, which required surgery on two horses, deteriorated so quickly.

“The event that frightened those horses must have been quite dramatic for them,” said Nick de Bruvere, head of behavior at the charity. Independent,

“When horses are in flight-or-fight mode, they will continue to run away from what they perceive may be a dangerous situation until they feel calm enough to rest.

“I think when they started to sober up they probably felt disoriented and had no idea how to find their way back home until they got caught.

“If they had been on their normal route they probably would have known how to get back to the barracks and walk to that spot. Horses are very good at recognizing where they are.

athena stavrou27 April 2024 03:00


‘Tradition is no excuse for cruelty’ PETA calls for end to horse exploitation

Alyssa Allen of PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wrote in the Mirror: “As predatory animals, their natural fight or flight instincts are paramount to their survival – and the only reliable outcome is that the horse will behave unpredictably.

“Attempting to suppress horses’ natural stress response puts them at risk – people who are used to controlling unruly crowds are often the targets of hooligans. Earlier this week, a horse was attacked with an umbrella at a St. George’s Day protest, and in 2020, crowds threw glass bottles and even a bike at mounted officers.

“Tradition is no excuse for cruelty. Just as the practice of using horses to pull buggies has long since disappeared from our roads with the advent of cars, so our ever-growing knowledge of animal emotions has led to the use of horses by our police and military. Exploitation must end.

athena stavrou27 April 2024 00:30


What is the Household Cavalry?

Two of the five domestic riding horses that went on a rampage in central London suffered serious injuries but are still alive, according to a minister.

But what is the Household Cavalry? Independent Take a look below

Read Alexander Butler’s full article here:

athena stavrou26 April 2024 22:30


Thousands sign petition to retire injured horses to a sanctuary

More than six thousand animal lovers have signed a petition to retire two foaled horses after they recover from their serious injuries.

Animal Rising said: “These magnificent animals were so frightened that they ran into the streets of London, causing injury to both people and themselves. It’s clear that these horses do not belong in the military, and they deserve a better life.

“We need your help to get these horses to safety. Please sign this petition and share it as widely as possible so we can get them to a sanctuary where they can live out the rest of their lives in peace.

“These horses have served their country without any choice. Now, it is time for us to serve them. Let’s make sure the Royal Household Cavalry gives these horses the life they deserve. Thanks for your support.”

athena stavrou26 April 2024 20:30


Horse charity boss defends domestic cavalry training: ‘Nothing cruel’

The chief executive of a horse charity has insisted there should be changes to the way Household Cavalry horses are trained after several animals mauled their riders and caused havoc across six miles of central London on Wednesday, April 23. There is “nothing cruel”.

talking to good morning britain The following day, The Horse Trust boss Janet Allen said the incident was a “one-off”.

He added: “All the service horses that come here to retire are really happy to work with and have really strong bonds with their riders.

“In 99.9 percent of cases something like this never happens.”

Horse charity boss defends domestic cavalry training: ‘Nothing cruel’

The chief executive of a horse charity has insisted there is “nothing cruel” about the way Domestic Cavalry horses are trained, after a number of animals threw their riders on Wednesday, April 23. and caused devastation within six miles of central London. Speaking to Good Morning Britain the following day, The Horse Trust boss Janet Allen said the incident was “one-sided”. He added: “All the service horses that come here to retire are still very happy working with their riders with really strong bonds. “99.9 percent of the time an incident like this never happens. “

athena stavrou26 April 2024 18:30