Pope Francis names 21 new cardinals

sun, 2022-05-29 10:54

Vatican City: Pope Francis said on Sunday he would elevate 21 churchgoers to the rank of cardinals at a ceremony at the Vatican this summer.
In keeping with Francis’ determination to reflect church leaders, the churchmen tapped by the pontiff to receive the coveted red hat included two from India and Mongolia, Ghana, Nigeria, Singapore, East Timor, Paraguay and Brazil. There will be one bishop. The global face of the Catholic Church.
Francis read his choice at the end of his traditional Sunday greetings to the public in St Peter’s Square. At least 16 of the new cardinals would be under the age of 80 and thus be eligible to vote for the next pontiff at the secret conclave.
The Pope said that he would conduct the conciliation, as the ceremony of exaltation of churchmen to the rank of cardinals is known on 27 August.
The other new cardinals are from France and San Diego, California, while there are three prelates who currently hold top positions at the Vatican.

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