PMQ delayed as two MPs from the Alba party were kicked out of the House of Commons for reprimanding Boris Johnson

Commons reaches boiling point: Furious speaker delays PMQ to oust two Scottish Nationalist MPs to barrack Boris Johnson on new referendum in his first appearance since resigning

  • Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle ordered the removal of Alba Party MPs Neale Hanway and Kenny McAskill.
  • McAskill heard saying ‘we need a referendum in prime minister’ before he was frowned upon by other lawmakers
  • Mr Johnson is seen pointing to Mr McAskill to sit as he tries to answer the first question in the PMQ


boris johnsonThe final PMQ was delayed amid chaotic scenes as two Scottish Nationalist MPs were evicted from the House of Commons chamber.

In fierce scenes this afternoon, Mr. Speaker Lindsay Hoyle He ordered the removal of Alba Party MPs Neale Hanway and Kenny McAskill for disrupting the start of the session.

East Lothian MP Mr McAskill can be heard trying to raise the issue of an arrangement and it seems ‘we need a referendum in the prime minister’ before he is drowned out by other MPs.

He refused to sit down and continued to speak.

Mr Hanaway, MPs for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, also stood on his feet and could not be heard when he shouted angrily from the Tory bench.

Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle ordered the removal of Alba MPs Neale Hanway and Kenny McCaskill for disrupting the start of the session.

Boris Johnson is seen pointing to Mr McAskill to sit as he tries to answer the first question in the PMQ

Boris Johnson is seen pointing to Mr McAskill to sit as he tries to answer the first question in the PMQ

Mr McCaskill stands in defiance of Sir Lindsay's orders as Mr Johnson attempts to initiate a PMQ

Mr McCaskill stands in defiance of Sir Lindsay’s orders as Mr Johnson attempts to initiate a PMQ

Mr Johnson was seen pointing to Mr McAskill to sit down as he tried to answer the first question in the PMQ.

As Tory MPs raised their noisy demands to stop Alba party MPs from standing, Sir Lindsay angrily intervened.

‘Order! Order!,’ he shouted. ‘I won’t tolerate this kind of behaviour, if you want to go out, go out now.

‘But if you stand up again I will order you. make your mind up; Either shut up or get out.

Sir Lindsay was also forced to tell the Tory Bench to ‘shut up’ as the temperature rose in the Commons.

The Speaker then formally requested the suspension of Mr. MacAskill and Mr. Hanway by following the Commons convention of naming them.

Neil Hanway

Kenny McAskill

Mr Hanway (left) and Mr McAskill, MP for the Alba party, were both kicked out of the Commons amid fiery scenes at the start of the PMQ.

At the end of the PMQ, lawmakers approved the suspensions of Mr McCaskill and Mr Hanway.

The pair are both former SNP MPs, having joined the Alba party last year when it was founded by former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond.

Mr McCaskill and Mr Hanway wrote to Mr Johnson earlier today demanding that he give the Scottish government the power to hold a second independence referendum during the PM’s final week in No. 10.

Speaking after he was fired, Mr Hanway said: ‘Scotland’s mandate for an independence referendum must be respected. The Scottish MPs are in Westminster to make a home for the people of Scotland, not to settle.

‘Why should we respect the rules of the House of Commons when Westminster will not respect Scottish democracy. Those back home are sick and tired of the House of Commons rejecting Scotland’s democratic right to determine its future. Scotland will not be held hostage by any UK prime minister, especially in the last days of his prime ministership.’