Paramedics strike 40 Quebec ambulance services demanding pay increases – Montreal |

40 Paramedics working in Quebec ambulance services The strike began on Friday across the province, including the provincial capital.

Daniel Chouinard, president of the union representing paramedics, says the strike will not affect the level of care provided to patients because of the province’s essential services law.

They say the strike will cause paramedics to stop doing some work, such as filling out billing forms and limiting hours when non-essential services are offered, such as taking patients home from hospitals.

Read more:

Paramedics reach in-principle agreement with Quebec government

Chouinard says the union wants the same pay and retirement status as other health care workers in the province.

The union, which represents 2,500 pre-hospital service workers, including paramedics, has been in talks with the provincial government since September 2021.

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Outside the cities of Montreal and Laval, ambulance services in Quebec are offered by private companies that contract with regional health authorities, although pay is determined by the province.

“Essentially, we want our salaries to be on par with that of police officers, firefighters and nurses. We are an emergency service, we want equality in that,” Chouinard said in an interview.

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