Pakistan to remain ‘alert’ during Indian UNSC presidency

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram. file photo

New York: Commenting on India’s month-long presidency at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Pakistan’s ambassador to the United Nations, Munir Akram, has said that the country will “remain alert, but not worried”.

Munir Akram said the country will remain vigilant and take steps so that India does not compromise on its stand on UN reforms, Afghanistan and terrorism.

India assumed the presidency from France on Sunday according to the system of rotation in alphabetical order in English of the official names of the member states.

Diplomatic sources said India is ready to hold three high-level meetings with a focus on maritime security, counter-terrorism and promotion of multilateralism.

The South Asian nation began its two-year term as a non-permanent member of the UNSC on January 1 this year. This will be the first President of India during his 2021-22 term.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself will chair a 15-member council meeting on “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Enhancing Maritime Security – A Matter for International Cooperation”, in which member states will focus on coordination to tackle maritime crime and security issues. Will discuss Like piracy, drug trafficking etc.

India can also raise issues related to the South China Sea at the behest of its western friends. In such a situation, it will get a strong response from the Chinese envoy.

India will also hold a ministerial-level meeting titled ‘Threats to international peace and security due to terrorist acts’ in late August.

Diplomatic observers expect India to carry forward its oft-repeated narrative of being a victim of terrorism and may even mention Pakistan. If that happens, Pakistan will prepare for its response with a written statement, as permitted by non-members.

Meanwhile, in Islamabad, Foreign Office spokesman Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry also said that Pakistan expects “India to abide by the relevant rules and norms governing the conduct of the Security Council presidency”.

Given the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, observers believe that the issue could be taken up with the Security Council as well.


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