Opinion: Why overturning Roe v. Wade would be a disaster for conservatives

They a. are the results of New ABC News/Washington Post Poll, and the conclusions are consistent Of earlier Voting on the issue Despite the political treatment of abortion as a controversial partisan issue, the truth is that America is a pro-nation. And if the anti-abortion movement gets its way and reverses the Supreme Court row, the Republican Party and the Supreme Court will have a lot of angry Americans to contend with.
Too often, American politicians and media outlets talk about abortion as a political issue or a front in the culture war, not the basic health care that women around the world are taking advantage of for themselves. many centuries, The self-defined pro-life movement in the Republican Party and their representatives benefit greatly from redefining abortion from common (though stigmatized) medical treatment into a partisan wedge issue: in doing so, they fundamentally change the framing. , and can even celebrate the important. The public believes that his position has far more support than it actually is. It positions the story around abortion as “both sides” of a political drama, and not as a fundamental question of health care access that enables women’s physical safety and personal liberty.
According to this latest survey, even a slim majority Republicans and conservatives, and 75% of Americans in general, believe that abortion should be a private decision between a woman and her doctor. Just one in five Americans, a small minority, wants to see a decision on whether or not to have a law-controlled abortion. Most support abortion rights across racial, gender, regional and educational lines; Nearly half of white Evangelicals, the most conservative voting bloc in the country, say abortion should be between a woman and her doctor rather than regulated by law, and 62% of Catholics favor keeping it. weed weed, Only about a quarter of Americans strongly support state laws that make running clinics more difficult.

Americans who are most directly affected by laws governing abortion – women under 40, who remain the group most likely to become pregnant – remain some of the strongest supporters of abortion rights: 86% That is to say the decision should be between a woman and her doctor.

The survey did not look at support for contraceptive access, but Americans should understand that the right to prevent pregnancy and to plan a family is linked to the right to abortion. Even though access to highly effective and long-acting contraception is the most effective way to reduce abortion rates – and in fact it is Primary reason abortions have become less common In the US — several major “pro-life” groups actively oppose most forms of modern contraception, including the IUD and the birth control pill. And many pro lives groups have been working for a long time redefine Some of the most common forms of contraception — the Jamaat, ns birth control pill – as “abortive”, despite the fact that these drugs prevent and do not terminate pregnancies. Anti-abortion legal organizations have Supported Supreme Court cases Allowing private employers to refuse to allow employee health plans to cover contraception if they have personal religious objections.

It’s pretty clear: Many of the most influential anti-abortion groups are also anti-contraception, and if they succeed in making abortion illegal, contraception could be next.

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The basic fact is that Roe deer The decision was taken on the basis of precedent set by the 1965 case, Griswold vs Connecticutin which the Supreme Court Constitutional right to sexual privacy found Legalized contraception for US adults and for married couples. sprung from that case Roe deer and others, including legalizing consensual sex between adults regardless of gender and establishing the right to same-sex marriage. The primary right-wing legal argument against Roe is that the constitutional right to sexual privacy does not exist. If the Supreme Court is overturned Roe deer On that basis, it is hard to imagine a universe in which there are rights to contraception and marriage equality. cannot be challenged as such,
One in four American women will have an abortion in her lifetime. According to the Guttmacher Institute,
According to the last available number, nearly two-thirds of American women Those of childbearing age were using some form of contraception, and 99% had used at least one contraceptive method in the past.

If the Supreme Court is overturned Roe deer Either formally or functionally – by allowing states to curtail abortion rights – the Court and the Republican Party can see how anti-abortion minorities really are, in order for American women to be free to use abortion and contraception. How important are and how angry women (and those who love them) will get when our rights to our own bodies are taken away by five or six conservative judges who are not accountable to the voting public. If the anti-abortion movement gets what it wants, the GOP faces a guaranteed backlash, and the Court faces a potential loss of public trust.

But it’s also a lesson for journalists and other media makers: Abortion rights are not widely controversial. This is not a debate; It is about an authoritarian minority who wants to force the majority to follow their (largely religious) views. Americans support abortion rights. Americans understand that abortion is a private medical decision that should be made between a woman and her doctor, not between a woman and the state. And many Americans have been shamefully passive when it comes to supporting abortion rights, not going to stop if those rights are taken away.
