Opinion: Biden is losing ground because he isn’t answering tough questions

Biden is stuck with two political problems right now: trying to please different factions of his party as he tries to get his agenda passed and his own. marking polling number.

I found it strange that he was negotiating his budget resolution package on live TV. Did he say anything about any aspect of it that might have convinced Senator Joe Manchin or Kirsten Cinema to change their opinion and vote in favor of the bill? If he did I certainly didn’t hear it. He was put in the strange position of clarifying the positions of those who are opposed to a much larger part of his plan.

If it meant building a support base so massive that senators from West Virginia and Arizona had to succumb to it, it didn’t.

More likely, his advisers thought the incident would further fuel his fading voting numbers. Simply put, they are cruel. According to CNN’s Poll of Polls, Biden’s overall job approval is 50% disapprove versus 44% who approve. And inside polls, he is experiencing major downfalls on a range of issues and personal characteristics, including whether people find him. honest, mentally sharp and running an administration which is Able.

Did he solve any of these problems on Thursday night? No, he used to jump a lot. He did that weird lean and whisper a few times. He provided inefficient, lengthy answers to most of the audience’s questions (some of which were pointed out and deserved a more direct answer).

He displayed basic human compassion for the late Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State, who passed away this week, something that Donald Trump could not do earlier this week. That moment was a bit of a reminder of how Biden won in first place.

But did any onlooker – other than the most partisan Democrat – walk away from that town hall tonight thinking: “Living man! This man is on top of his game!”

To borrow a phrase: “Come on, man!”

Some things I found interesting:

Biden’s acknowledgment that he used poor judgment to say that the Justice Department should prosecute those who deny congressional subpoenas in relation to the January 6 committee … was something. He clearly said that he would not pick up the phone and would call the DOJ to tell who to prosecute.

Of course, they don’t need it. He can only say out loud what he wants and the DOJ’s leadership will see it, even if Biden walks it back later. They know Biden would like to see this group of people prosecuted. Biden didn’t need a phone call to convey those views.

But Biden did something similar last month when he publicly said that the horse-ridden Border Patrol agent who was falsely accused of by some democrats to flog Haitian migrants “Pay,” Any federal employee charged with official misconduct, despite being a federal employee under investigation and entitled to due process, will receive. This shows that when the president says something out loud, you can’t just put it back in the bottle. Can those border agents now get a fair blow from their superiors? Of course, they can’t. Biden once said “a president’s words matter,” and he certainly knows better.
