Ontario opposition parties ask auditor general to investigate greenbelt move | globalnews.ca

TORONTO — Leaders of Ontario’s opposition parties have asked the auditor general to examine steps taken to open up parts of the province. green belt For developers.

Incoming NDP leader Marit Stiles, Liberal leader John Fraser and Green Party leader Mike Shriner say they want Bonnie Lisick to conduct a value-for-money assessment of the government’s decision to remove 7,400 acres from protected greenbelts More land should be added.

They would also like Lysyk to assess the financial and environmental impacts of the moves.

They argue that the move will irreversibly damage the environment and has transferred wealth from the public to property developers.

Media reports have suggested that some major developers, who are Progressive Conservative donors, have bought greenbelt land over the past few years, despite previous announcements from the province that it would not be developed.

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Premier Doug Ford says the government has been transparent, while the housing minister denies any wrongdoing.