Omicron Vaccine Has Huge Survival Potential: Dr NK Arora, COVID Task Force Chief – Bharat Times Hindi News

New Delhi: The cases of Kovid are increasing rapidly in India which is indicating the third wave of Kovid. The Center is taking precautionary measures to contain the menace of the virus, but daily COVID case reports suggest that more vigilance is needed. While it is one thing to be prepared to deal with the COVID situation, the rate at which Omron variants are penetrating is worrying.

Dr NK Arora, President of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) and Head of India’s COVID Task Force, said that Omron’s vaccine has a high survival potential but things are manageable.

“Omicron’s vaccine survival potential is very high. So what the booster will do is still being evaluated. However, our primary task is that everyone should get two doses because it has been seen that people who have received the primary The dose received, the risk of severity, hospitalization and death for them is very low,” Dr. NK Arora said in an interview with CNBC.-TV18.

Omicron Cases in Metro Cities

Dr NK Arora, head of India’s COVID Task Force also indicated that metro cities are contributing maximum to the number of omicron cases and as per his estimate about 75% of covid cases in metro cities are omicron type.

“We got our first virus in the first week of December. So, last week, nationally, 12 percent of the types identified were omicron, and in the last week it has increased to 28 percent. Hence, it is increasing rapidly as the proportion of all COVID infections in the country,” he said.

Dr Arora said, “Now, having said this, I must also say something more important and that is that in major metro cities, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and especially around Delhi, it is now more than 75 per cent isolated . is more.” An interview to NDTV.

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