No travel, contact history in 60 omicron cases, DDMA acknowledges possibility of community spread

Community spread potential omicron The version was accepted by authorities in Delhi on Wednesday at a meeting of the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), after investigating about 60 cases of Omicron in the past two days found no history of international travel or contact with any international traveller. went. Indian Express Earlier reported that out of 63 new cases reported on Monday, 52 had no travel history Or was contacted and investigated.

“After investigation, no history of international travel or contact with any international traveler was found in around 60 cases. Hence, the possibility of community transmission of the new version was accepted in the DDMA meeting,” said a Delhi government official. Whether this will change the prevention, testing and tracking measures is not yet known.

With 73 new cases of the Omicron variant being detected on Wednesday, Delhi again surpassed Maharashtra with the number of such cases in the country. According to government data, the total number of Omicrons in Delhi was 238. The increase in the cases of the heavily mutated new variant could be the reason for the recent surge in the cases reported from Delhi.

In fact, Omicron has overtaken delta version According to data from three laboratories that conducted genomic sequencing for Delhi samples, Delhi to head in the past week – Lok Nayak, the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, and the National Center for Disease Control. Of the total samples processed, 38% belonged to the Omicron variant, while 31% were from the delta according to the data.

In addition to the previously tested cases, The Indian Express has also learned that out of 73 new cases of Omicron detected on Wednesday, 64 also have no travel or contact history. In fact, almost everyone who tested positive for the variant on Wednesday had received both shots of them. COVID-19 The vaccines, and some of those with a history of international travel, also received a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

Another Delhi government official said, “Even till two or three days back we hardly saw any omicron positive case in the community. However, since then many such cases are being reported, which have no travel or contact. This clearly shows that the infection has started spreading in the community.”

However, hospitals treating Omicron cases say patients have reported no severe symptoms. “So far we have treated 70 patients with Omicron, of whom 50 have been discharged. Almost all of them were asymptomatic except perhaps three persons. And, even those who had symptoms had mild symptoms such as low-grade fever, sore throat and one patient had diarrhoea,” said Dr Suresh Kumar, director of Lok Nayak Hospital. All except two individuals were fully vaccinated; According to him, both had received one dose.

Even with mild symptoms, experts say it is better to wear a mask. “So far, what we have learned is that the Omicron variant does not cause very severe disease, with fever, sore throat and body aches for most people in hospitals. However, it has also been observed that infection is occurring in people who have received both doses of the vaccine. This means that we have to rely on masking and social distancing More,” said Dr Ekta Gupta, Professor of Virology at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences.

Sealed 3 times for ‘protocol violation’

New Delhi: Taking strict action in compliance with the COVID restrictions under the Yellow Alert of GRAP, the South East District Magistrate has sealed three high-end clubs and bars – Underpass Cafe at Lajpat Nagar, Block at Defense Colony and Monkey House at Nehru Place. For the alleged overcrowding of the bar. Violation of guidelines.

South East District Magistrate (DM) Vishvendra said, “Keeping in mind the emergence of the Omicron variant and the steady rise in COVID cases, we are conducting frequent raids and surprise inspections at restaurants and bars. During such raids, these bars were found to be violating the COVID-appropriate behavior (CAB). People were seen without masks and these places were overcrowded. We have sealed these premises to prevent and contain the spread of Kovid. ,Us
