No one wants the Commonwealth games

The city of Victoria has abandoned the Commonwealth Games because Australians say it is too expensive. Malaysia and Singapore politely declined the chance to take them, and it is now being suggested that Glasgow step in to take them.

No doubt, like all international jamborees of this type organized for Tuppence Ha’penny, this one will be a tremendous success, turning a profit and uniting the Commonwealth.

But now it is reaching a level where you have to ask who is fooling whom?

If the only country willing to pay to host the Commonwealth Games is Britain, what does that say about the Commonwealth? Not much.

After all, many of the members are very wealthy indeed, Canada, Australia and even New Zealand could easily afford the huge losses this would entail, or should it be a triumphant and profitable celebration of the former empire’s young sporting talents. ? They won’t do it because they don’t think games are worth the candles. They are not alone.

India is a new superpower and can do this with one hand tied behind its back, Pakistan will be insulted if you say they cannot manage this easily and there is no doubt that South Africa and Kenya and many other countries are very capable of doing this. Can do good work. ,

But, the situation is that none of them is coming forward to take up the baton. Is it because they really can’t afford it or because they don’t think it’s worth it?

The Commonwealth is a good negotiating shop that it has lasted so long, I think, out of respect for HM the Queen, due to her ability to navigate the minefield of post-colonial independence and her clear commitment and dedication to her overseas territories. It was widely praised. ,

But the idea that the Commonwealth is going to be strengthened is a joke, the idea, promoted by some fanatical Brexit types, that it is somehow a replacement for the EU is absurd. We have left the EU without any other major organization to support or lead. Dreams of Empire, which died in the 1940s, performed its worst and reached this position.

At least one former colony is on its way to becoming a superpower that will soon surpass Britain, several of the others are now significant regional powers. But they are not looking to Britain for leadership or anything else, nor is there any reason why they should.

That’s what the problems at the Commonwealth Games tell us. We need to stop fooling ourselves and pay attention.

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