Night curfew in Karnataka for 10 days from December 28

amid fears of an increase in the number omicron In cases, the Karnataka government has decided to impose a night curfew from Tuesday, December 28. The curfew will be imposed every night from 10 pm to 5 am for a period of 10 days.

Health and Family Welfare Minister K Sudhakar said that this step has been taken after analyzing the situation in other states and countries. Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai presided over the meeting, which was attended by several ministers, officials and members of the technical advisory committee.

Sudhakar said, “From December 28, the night curfew will be in place from 10 pm to 5 am across Karnataka. There will be a complete ban on all types of New Year parties in public places. Hotels/restaurants/pubs and other places will be allowed to operate with 50 percent occupancy.

Sudhakar also said that 38 omicron type cases have been reported in Karnataka and TAC members have suggested to be prepared for all situations. “We currently have 4,000 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds but will soon add another 3,051 ICU beds. The situation will be monitored again after 10 days of imposition of curfew.

Speaking about introducing vaccines for youth between 15-18 years, Sudhakar said that it will start from January 3 and he estimates that around 43 lakh people are in the age group. “We are yet to receive the guidelines regarding vaccinating the youth. From January 10, healthcare / frontline workers / above 60 years / with comorbidities, a third booster or preventive dose will be given,” he said.
