Neighbour hits out at Reddit sleuths who claim his media appearances were suspicious

neighbor around Idaho Murder victims lashed out at internet sleuths who claimed their media presence was suspicious.

In a recent interview, Jeremy Reagan, a third-year law student at the University of Idaho, said he went to bed early the night the murders took place. Although, reddit Investigators find his statements suspicious.

Mr. Reagan addressed online conspiracy theories about him and told Court TV on Tuesday that he “didn’t do it. I have nothing to hide. I’m willing to give dnafingerprints… whatever they need”.

In an earlier interview with Fox News, Mr. Reagan said, “I went to bed early that night” and “then a few hours later we got a message, and there was a bunch of police here. And then that’s been a week since It was the end of normalcy.

Internet detectives who pounced on the mysterious murders soon found interviews of Mr. Reagan online and claimed that there was something “strange” about him.

One Reddit user wrote: “He had three interviews with news stations that you can watch and a lot of Reddit threads too… something just feels wrong about him.”

Another user wrote: “Why does Jeremy Reagan wear a black armband on his left arm? I’m not accusing him, but it’s weird. When he says, ‘No, I went to bed,’ he doesn’t even blink. just weird.

On Tuesday, Mr Reagan said Reddit sleuths had been digging through his social media accounts even though he had “nothing to hide”.

He said that “being compared to a murderer when I did nothing was very disturbing. Whatever they want, but when I did nothing they are being compared to a murderer.